[SUPPORT] Older Doorbell Transformer / Wyze Doorbell Fuse wire

Hi, I received the regular Wyze Doorbell + Chime as a handmedown from a friend as they upgraded theirs.
In my case, I didn’t receive a Fuse wire with it, is it still usable without? I tried contacting support a few times but they just said I could get it at a hardware store. I’m having difficulties finding the specific part.

Additionally, my transformer is on the older side as the house was built in the early 90s. I’ve poked around the threads but I haven’t seen any that look like mine. Is mine too old to install this doorbell?

Thank you for reading and for any tips. Please excuse the dust I am fairly certain no one has looked into this chime box since it was built, haha.

It is still usable, the fuse protects the doorbell. The individual who gave it to you, can they provide the fuse?

I had mine installed without the Fuse. But I was willing to accept the consequence if the Doorbell experienced issues.

Also, are you sure the image is the Transformer and not the existing Chime?

the transformers normally have 2 screws on them to connect the wires, something like this:

Doorbell Transformer Compatible with Ring Video Doorbell Pro 16v 30va Hardwired Door Chime Transformer - - Amazon.com

In any case, you need to make sure you have enough power being provided to the Doorbell.


Hi, no I believe they tossed it when they replaced the doorbell.
How would I go about installing it without the fuse then?
And apologies, I meant the chime box, the picture is the chime box and not the transformer.
Should be enough power, just with the wiring configuration currently I am unsure where each would go.

Thank you for the quick reply

I have my VDBv1 Wired direct to a wall wart 24v 500mA transformer without the fused links. The wires are direct to the screws on the doorbell.

Here is a wiring diagram that indicates where the fuse is used if you use your existing transformer.


If you feel safer placing a fuse, you can go to almost any auto parts store or box hardware store and get an inline fuse holder to wire in. You will need to get the glass fuse type since the bladed fuses rarely come in the amperage you need.

You will want to install a ½ amp (500mA) fuse.