Suggestions for Wyze Christmas Gifts - 2024 🎄

Someone needs to stop this madness. :crazy_face:


Yeah, it freaking throws me off every time. I think it’s a new user and I get the urge to “welcome them to the forum “. I think he’s doing it on purpose to speed up our journey to senility so he can have the forum all to himself! :rofl:


Hey, @towelkingdom, join the club!

It’s nice that y’all pay attention! :grin:

you guys care! :blush:


Look, I don’t need any assistance in that regard. I work for the US Government. :joy:


That’s why we are here!

Now that’s hilarious :rofl:


She’s an ectrodactyl

A customer at the shop has that. Her signature was really good,

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Audio/Video Gift Suggestions

Wyze 8k Smart Wall Mounted TVs *
Each set comes with a virtual 9.2 Surround Sound System of your choosing, at purchase time.

*Furniture, house, pool and accessories are not included.

TVs may appear smaller in person, since these TVs meansure 103" in the factory.

Also available in 16k. (32K coming in 2030).

Will work with NTSC, SECAM and PAL and ATS 4.0 and below.


Why not just have them make 576MP smart contact lens at 60FPS (human eye rough equivalent) so that everything in sight can be changed at will including any size TV screen. :slight_smile:


I have an aversion to contact lens or placing anything on my eyes other than eyedrops. Good idea though. You are an AI expert, maybe you can sell your design?

Well, you’re one step above me then, I seriously can’t even do eye drops. :sob:

I MIGHT be able to get up the courage to try smart contact lenses though. It might require paying someone to anesthetize me in the morning, put them in for me, then let me come back out of it. :joy: But for something as cool as 100% true Augmented reality sight, I would probably try to find a way to make it work! It’s about the only thing that would convince me to touch or let something else touch my eye(s).

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Sounds like you would do anything for technology :heart:. It reminds me of those guys that had their fingers surgically widdled (thinned) down so they could type better on their blackberries. :smile:

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I LOVE technology so much! It might take second place only under the category of certain people. IDK, I guess certain philosophical ethics/values would actually be a higher value than technology, but I love technology so much it feels pretty powerful.
Rounding out somewhere in my top 5 might be books. :joy:

Man if I could live for a REALLY long time, those would be the things to keep me going and being excited for long years to come: loved ones, seeing new technology, and lots more books!

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Just make sure you have a good set of glasses. I remember that Twilight zone with the guy in the library after the world was nuked he had all the time in the world to read, and then broke his glasses. That would suck.

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I would definitely hope so. Keep some of your humanity. :smile:

Well, in addition to books and ebooks, I DO have well over 2,000 audiobooks totalling over 40,000 hours of audiobook reading time. So even if I break my glasses, I’ll have plenty of entertainment. That’s 4 years of straight reading audiobooks, not counting sleep. So with sleeping and a few other distractions included, let’s at least double that to 8 years. So every 8 years I could reread everything at least once more? By the time I’ve read everything I’ll have forgotten half the other stuff I previously read 8 years ago. Plus I have ebook readers that can do text to speech, so with all the books I have, I’ll have decades of material as long as my hearing is okay.

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I agree so imagine my feelings when I found out I need cataract surgery. Watching the video at the eye surgery center didn’t help my anxiety. Involved scalpels.

Has the left eye done 2 weeks ago. I worried for nothing. They gave me a general anasthetic. The IV was painless. I remember being rolled on a gurney to the operating room, then my wife helping me walk to the car. Little scratchiness for the first few hours.
So, for those here who may need cataract surgery, rest assured my experience can be compared to giving blood.
Going back this morning for the other eye evaluation and the surgery should be in a week.
Only bad thing is for the first few days I had to wear some goofy protective plastic shield over my eyes when I slept to keep me from pushing on the eye.


Good luck on your procedure! I’m glad the first one was mostly easy and minor discomfort. My mom has had corrective surgery, and my dad has had at least 2 eye surgeries due to detached retinas.


Also likely phacoemulsification. That’s freaky to see.

That would be unusual, because that typically involves intubation and having someone on a ventilator. Likely you received sedation or “twilight anésthesia” (nothing to do with :sparkles::vampire::sparkles:), which is good for making people sleepy and temporarily forgetful.

It’s a cool procedure though. I’m glad that it went well, and that tends to be a good indicator of a positive outcome for the next one! :+1:


Thanks for the assurance.

My Dad had his done while he was awake a few years ago. That freaked me out a bit. I don’t want to be there when they do mine within the next ten years or so.

Sounds like your remaining procedure should be fine. Hoping for a smooth, almost non-event type day.

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I would hope not.

It keeps your eyes from jerking around. I think it momentarily causes temporarily blindness. I don’t want to see what’s going on.

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