We had a 3.7 earthquake here this morning at 8:49:21 ( 1/2 mile) from my house, one big bang and a quick shake.
I live where the circled blue/yellow star is, red and yellow star was quake location.
Probably shook the
fort across the street too.
Cool. Catch anything on the cams?
I only slept through earthquakes on vacation.
I checked a couple of cams and saw nothing yet, it was quick. I had to check the house walls and windows first, nothing broken that I have seen so far.
Very good.
California is too busy for me. Too much suspense.
3.7 is not going to do much…
Actually, the second quake in your area in 3 days. Stay safe.
If you’ve seen how 880 (?) pancaked during that big earthquake, it’s understandable people are skittish. Fortunately I was already out of the bay area when that happened.
That was bad. People trapped in their cars for days and dying of thirst.
How macho.
None for me thanks.
3.7 feels like a vehicle hits the house, one quick banging jolt. I was also here for the 1989 quake that was a 6.9. It shook the house enough that my small Mazda Pickup slid out of the garage. I was lucky since I had left Treasure Island (Between Oakland and San Francisco) about 35 min. before it happened. That was a violent shaker but nothing bad happened to the house except a few cracks in the drywall.
We’re just trying to catch up with LA.
No. A 3.7 really does not do much. If you’re not damn near right on top of it, you’ll never feel it. Until you get to about a 5.0 hardly qualifies…
Depends on the earthquake. I can’t recall which one does more damage. When there’s vertical or horizontal movement. When you get that more destructive quake, it doesn’t matter if it’s low intensity or not.
We are getting a few tremblors around the New Madrid fault. I read that small ones are good as they release energy, but when they get stuck and can’t move, when they do move, which they will, it will be a whopper. The earth is a young planet and the tectonic plates are still moving around.
My AF son was stationed in Okinawa for several years. Japan sits at the center of 4 plates, which are always moving. He went to an office building and was in a meeting when the building started shaking. Everyone was acting like it was just a thunderstorm, going about their business. He is starting to freak out, finding the closest exit. Seems the buildings are earthquake proof and only the older buildings tend to be damaged.
Here is info from the USGS.
“They are the most damaging waves, because buildings are more easily damaged from horizontal motion than from vertical motion.‘
What are the Effects of Earthquakes? | U.S. Geological Survey.
I did not know about the New Madrid Fault. I found this story when looking it up.
Are dynamite explosions vertical or horizontal?
Long ago land developers used dynamite to dig below the surface in the south. I think neighbors complained about the cracks in their houses.
Sorry you guys are getting tremors. We had a couple here in NY some months back. Very scary stuff. My Autistic son lives on the top 18th floor of an apartment building so any tremor no matter how small worries the living daylights out of me.
I will open a new thread for this, appreciate all of your responses and help guys.
That is what I need to dig a 12 inch hole in my yard in the summer. The soil here is adobe clay type. Wet it sticks to everything, dry= get an excavator or explosives.
Was here also for the '89 quake. At the time we lived in a condo. The common pool jumped so high it emptied a substantial amount of water and flooded some of the units.
Been through a number of less than 5.0’s. No offense to those living on the epicenter but once you’ve experienced a 6.9 you don’t forget it.
I can only imagine the big one in Alaska in the 60’s.
Saw Valdez where it that happened. They had to move the entire town north. Just foundations left, but it was sometime ago. Maybe 1965.