Solved - login unable to connect to my old iPhone 6

I use a wired V2 cam for my front yard and view on an old unused iPhone 6 that I leave plugged in on my desk in the basement. It’s like a little window on my front yard so I can see when the mail is delivered, etc.
Recently I couldn’t reconnect and wasn’t sure why – the camera still connects with my good phone. Rebooting the iPhone 6 “desk phone” didn’t work, so I simply deleted the Wyze app, reinstalled and now I’m working again just the way I like!


Did you get upgraded to the new 3.0 app? Sometimes that upgrade process seems to mess things up and reinstalling fixes it (like you did).

Unfortunately for Android users, 9.0 is now the minimum, and my old “desk phone” is Android 8, so no more using that (though I rarely did anyway). I didn’t bother to get that phone unlocked by the carrier when I stopped using it, so no rooting and sideloading the old app possible. Oh well.

I’m not sure what my previous version was, but the new install was 3.0 something

Isn’t that an iPhone 6s?

3.0 is the new version so you probably got upgraded, and like others, uninstalling and reinstalling seems to fix some issues with the app upgrade process.

NOTE - do not uninstall the app if you are still on the 2.X version. That likely means your device is not compatible with 3.x and you can no longer do a new install of 2.X!!

Found this online…

What is the last OS that supports 32-bit?

macOS Mojave

Apple has been working with developers to transition their apps, and in 2018 Apple informed them that macOS Mojave would be the last version of macOS to run 32-bit apps. Starting with macOS Catalina, 32-bit apps are no longer compatible with macOS.Jun 25, 2024

Is this true? :thinking:

Since Wyze app 3.x is 64-bit only?

That’s MacOS not iOS though. PCs transitioned a lot earlier than phones. i.e. I think Windows 7 was the last one with a 32 bit version but I may be remembering wrong.

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Good point. I know very little about Mac.

I would imagine iOS must be 64-bit by now. Wonder when they changed?

I did read Android went 64-bit with Android 12.

Ditto. I tend to avoid Cults.

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2013 with iOS 7.

Now that’s insulting :wink:

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Here is something for you and @dave27 to read :wink:

I respect Apple’s contribution to computing, and the trends they’ve set with iPod and iPhone (though neither were their invention, they just did a great job of marketing it and making it commonplace).

But at this point, they’ve effectively become what they rallied against in that infamous commercial… Don’t forget they also made things like data harvesting/selling, forced updates without user consent, etc commonplace. Even Google can’t claim that one.

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I am not going to comment on what you said as that is one very deep rabbit hole :grin:

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