Cam 3 - Connectivity issue post app update V3

Environment: iPhone 14 pro max with iOS 18 and Wyze app V3.
Camera wont connect. Rebooted router. Power cycled camera. Deleted camera inside wyze app and added and reconfigured again. Switched 2.4 G and 5G and vise versa. Still no luck. Support wont respond. Error code 22005.
OS 18.0 (22A5316k) is the latest public beta in Canada which is installed already. Log (id 1515867) shared with photo and support Ticket 4018649 created.

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Live support isn’t open yet.

If you haven’t already done so, try updating to iOS 18 beta 4.

iOS 18.0 (22A5316k) is the latest public beta in Canada which is installed already. Log (id 1515867) shared with photo and support Ticket 4018649 created. No response from anyone.

Just FYI… This forum is primarily a user-to-user community and not a substitute for Wyze Customer Support. Wyze employees do not actively monitor this forum. Hopefully, fellow forum users running iOS 18 beta will jump in here.

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I posted in the user forum expecting someone might have similar experience and if any help available. It’s well understood that a user forum is between users and not meant for support. Anyway thanks. Wyze continues to amaze me with their questionable service.

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I’m just trying to find out if these incompetents are still in business. Today is my day 6 of the wyze 3.0 app disaster and no one has sent me even a delaying tactic email for the past two days.

Are you here asking for help from fellow users or just complaining? If you give some info, someone may be able to help, but if you’re just venting then no sense.

I’ve gone through wyze support (or lack of support) for 6 days. Of course I’m complaining since I’ve received no help in the past six days. I have a pretty good investment in wyze products. I a cam plus subscriber and im being ignored when their product has failed. Asking me to restart and reinstall by 3 different “support agents” who never followed up is not how I expect to be treated. I’ve asked for a link to install the app version previous to this failed 3 has gotten absolutely no reply.

If you can give some more info, like OS and camera info and what problems you’re having, people here might be able to help. Note that Wyze employees are unlikely to see your complaints here.

If you want to go back to a previous version of the app and are on Android, you can get them off Note though that the ones that say “package” require their special installer, and the ones that are just a raw apk file are easier to install, but may not be available for every version.

But since the 3.0 app is here to stay and older versions will eventually become unsupported, probably better to try and troubleshoot and get it working.

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