SMS Notification from Door Cam?

Im looking to find out if my wyze doorbell and/or cam can send me a text message when it detects motion? I dont see any settings but maybe someone has a work around? Is this something that is being looked at? I think it would be super useful to have. If anyone has any info if it can be done or even if its being considered.


You could do this through integration with IFTTT.

You can probably also use a 3rd Party API to do this through something like Home Assistant or another RTSP type of program or using a Webhook of some kind. All of that would be a lot more complicated than IFTTT, but I guarantee there are ways to do it.

Most people just settle for the convenience of a Push notification.

It might be easier to use an app like “Buzzkill” to watch your push notifications and then execute a custom notification for you when that cam detects the motion you want.


Hi CarverofChoice,

It worked! IFTTT was simple to set up and worked exactly for what i needed.
Thanks for the info!

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