Smart Coffin ⚰ for Hopeful but Hapless Transhumanists

My riddle flopped:

. Dead
.. Dead and people remember you lived
... Transhuman

Had to create my own death topic so as not to flap the (possibly) flappable chez @TomG. :wink:

The title is mostly clickbait, but hey, maybe we can support it with a super bitchin’ thread?


This topic is about DEATH and other dark and morbid things.

Can Tech defeat Death? Nah, I don’t think so. Deal with it. :slight_smile:

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@peepeep # Please stop licking psychedelic toads :upside_down_face:


I saw an article pop up in my Google news feed discover thing on my phone that said something about humans being on track to reach immortality in like 7 years. I’m gonna try to find the link. —edit---- Found it! Humans Will Achieve Immortality by 2030: Ray Kurzweil Prediction

I don’t think I’d want to be immortal. I get bored NOW, so I can’t imaging wanting to live forever.


If they keep pestering me, I’ll keep licking them. It’s only fair. :slight_smile:


I’ll defer to @Customer on Kurzweil. I’ll just say this:

The finest quality of most visionaries is their mortality.

And they’re always trying to defeat it. :man_shrugging:

I’d have to agree. The motivation is trending down. :slight_smile:

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If that happens, where will we park?


I remember reading thirty years ago that humans have the reflex capacity to drive cars safely with only ten feet between them at 60 mph. But they can’t get out of their own way, mentally/emotionally, Maybe same with parking. There’s more room than we think? :grin:

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Under the new world order, where THEY will turn off our electronic cars, the answer is obvious, public transport. :thinking:

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! - Going out with a bang? :thinking:

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Agreed. I wanna see what’s next. I’m praying it’s pleasant. :thinking:

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Whatever @peepeep is smoking, I want some.



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Beautiful line. Like Steven Wright when he was new and funny.

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@habib, whence this thing sprung.

Keep working, brother, we need you. :wink:

I live and work in Grater Toronto Area and parking space is at premium now, wonder what would happen if we never die :slight_smile:

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I have two theories on the thought, and remember these are my theories :slight_smile:

One, just like a TV or a computer, once the plug is pulled and nothing is feeding the brain, total darkness.

Second, since many believe that brain activity is pure energy and we all know that energy can’t be destroyed, it can only be converted to a different stage, when we die the brain enters an infinite dream state. As dreams are reflection of our lives, if you’ve led a good life, you’ll have pleasant dreams. If not, you fill in the blanks. This would be my analogy to Heaven and Hell, since I have no interest in religion, especially organized one.


There was this show called The Good Place, and the series finale end scene kind of depicted how I think it happens. Your energy is scattered across the universe putting either good or bad energy back out.

I liked the show because it wasn’t really religious themed, it was philosophy based and an interesting way to explore that theming.


Very interesting. Very clinical, but good details. I too, have no interest in religion, organized or disorganized, but I do have a belief in God and pray for a third option. I do enjoy hearing other points of view.

Thanks for sharing.

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We do?