Just Musk again I guess

Rocket. Yesterday. Central Pennsylvania. Yawn! :yawning_face:

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We’re so spoiled. Remember decades ago when every space rocket launch was the most amazing thing ever and was broadcast on every single station?

It’s amazing all the things that now make us yawn and get swiped away as nothing because we’re so conditioned to such things.

We’re spoiled… But I like being spoiled. Even the average to below average person lives in higher luxury with a higher quality of life than even the richest man in the world with billions of dollars could have even dreamed of a century ago. That just blows my mind sometimes That we live a higher quality of life than the richest man the in the world a century ago with all luxury at its disposal and we still complain about everything. Humans are so interesting.

We’re so spoiled. Makes me fear the old saying:

  1. Hard times create strong men.
  2. Strong men create good times.
  3. Good times create weak men.
  4. Weak men create hard times.

I know everybody has a different interpretation of which part of that wheel we’re currently in on a macro scale, but I usually look a little closer to home on a more micro scale. I don’t necessarily think every family or group is in the same place. But on a super macro scale compared to 100 years ago, I feel like our quality of life is pretty darn high… Enough that the richest man in the world from a century ago would be pretty jealous.


So far, I heartily agree.


ordinary lovefest may not be enough to get mars ticket.
perhaps you might try rj

:thinking: what? I missed the connection some where. I don’t plan on going anywhere. :us::earth_americas:

That would have been the SpaceX launch of the WorldView Legion 5 & 6 satellites on top of a Falcon 9 rocket that was launched from LC-39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. the launch was a success.

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Elon should sell cams. :laughing:

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He’s a billionaire but buys inexpensive.:grimacing::crazy_face:


You couldn’t paste in a logo? :wink:

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I’m not that good at it. :grin:

Not with that attitude! :grin:

I’m just teasing. It was funny. :+1:

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Hope no one sues, nothing to take anyway. :joy:

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