Shared cam testing

Just wondering how useful would it be to create a fairly isolated test network with one v2 cam (I have two spares) to see if a person with cam issues can connect remotely to determine if it is their network or the firmware that is causing the issue?

So many people blame the firmware for not working. This could be justified or not. Would connecting to a known good network and connecting fine indicate that the firmware is fine?

We all have the same cams with same firmware with the same app and many people see various problems and some do not. The only item that is different is the two networks.

I realize this would bring up security concerns on both sides of the network.

  1. Giving out an email address.
  2. Giving access to the test network.

Seems I could create an isolated network with one cam. Share out cam and see what happens. This network could only see out to the internet. Sharing would be removed or cam be reinstalled.

It would be nice to work with known “good” variables.

Or have a troubleshooting tool available.

I do get tired of hearing…

It’s a problem with the firmware.
It cannot be my network.
I am an IT professional so I know what I am doing.

Maybe if @WyzeJasonJ has some spare time, he can build a test lab? :thinking:

Just curious ramblings before I shutdown.

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