Service Advisory: Wyze devices missing from the app - 10/28/20

10/28/20 3:00 PM PT - The service has been restored. We’re going to continue digging into this and analyzing the causes that led to this incident so they can be addressed. If you are still having difficulty with your devices showing in the app or sending logs, please contact Wyze Customer Support.

2:43 PM PT - The process is close to completion and we are seeing reports of resolution for some people. We’ll continue monitoring metrics before we consider this issue resolved. Thank you for your patience.

2:24 PM PT - We have identified the issue and are working to resolve it. Until the process is completed, there may be slow response within the Wyze app or inconsistency with the device list.

2:19 PM PT - We are continuing to work on the missing devices. While Events are visible in the app, filtering may not work as expected and the camera names may be replaced with the camera MAC address until this is resolved.

We are tracking down the cause of an issue preventing Wyze devices from displaying properly in the app. Event recording appears to be unaffected though there may be difficulty adding new devices. We’ll provide updates as we received them here and in our service status page. We apologize for the trouble.


Thanks @WyzeGwendolyn🙂



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So odd. Was in the app earlier at work and it was fine. Just got home and checked for the firmware update mentioned in the app changelog and boom, no devices showing.

Oof. Sorry to hear that! We’ve got all hands on deck and are working on this now.


Thanks, I just noticed it a few minutes ago after I had to delete the 3.3gb Wyze log file - when I went back into the app, all my camera devices were gone. I can confirm that the events are still working, they just have no camera names on them.

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My cams just came back in the list. Thank you.


The issue appears to be effecting services as well.
My devices are all in app currently, but the services tab wont load, and I can not filter for person alerts (because it thinks I dont have the service as it cant connect)


Cameras are back (good work!)
Services tab still shows “Loading…” but I don’t need that.


Mine just started doing it in the last hour. if location helps, I’m in ohio


Thank you very much for the information! :slight_smile:

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10/28/20 2:24 PM PT - We have identified the issue and are working to resolve it. Until the process is completed, there may be slow response within the Wyze app or inconsistency with the device list.


Is this related to the issue we had about a week ago? Seems very similar.

All devices still missing from home page. Events work fine. In N. CA. Hope it can be fixed soon, thanks.

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Mine is still missing. Can confirm services are out as well as health data.

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Devices are gone again. But I know ye are working on it so I’ll wait until it’s resolved.
Best of luck.

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mine just came back

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device list working properly again 2:34pm pst

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This does seem closely related to the recent outage, @SolarGoat. We’re continuing to dig into it.