Again, what version of iOS?
up above…
I can’t reproduce this issue either.
Iphone 12 on 17.6.1
In your first post, you circled the left closed setting which is turned off. I assume you actually turned it on to set the duration?
cara.rejas submitted that screenshot. FWIW, I have the problem in association with (enabled) sensor notifications for doors left open.
Hi Bill,
Once I tap on (left closed) or (Left open), the Duration field shows for each option.
But when tapping on duration, there is no way (for me) to set the desired duration (hour, mins, sec).
I’ve got no other solutions to offer. I only have one contact sensor in use and the app works correctly for me. It certainly sounds like you’ve hit a bug of some sort which is going to require the Wyze engineers to review logs and make changes to the app. If you haven’t already done so, open a ticket with Wyze support. You won’t get anything from them more than I have already suggested (most likely) and they’ll tell you that you’ll need to wait for an app update.
Thanks Bill for your time/help.
I’ll contact them.
Anything you can do to help with this?
Could I have few app logs for this issue? Thanks!
Hi WyzeDesmond,
In order to send you the logs.
On the app, do I need to go to: Account → Wyze support → Submit a Log → Select Device → Pick a reason ??
When doing the above I get the attached screen.
If I click “Submit” after filling in the information… will that get to you ??
You have to put something, anything in the details area or you won’t be able to tap the Submit button. “For WyzeDesmond” seems appropriate, but you can type anything. Once the log is received, you’ll see a screen with the Log ID. Post that Log ID number here as a reply for WyzeDesmond so he can find your log on their server.
Hi WyzeDesmond,
Last night I submitted the log,
The ID is 1547261.
Are you sure that ID is correct? Perhaps 1647261? Either your or dscholte’s Log ID is off.
Thank you!
@dscholte - Will you please check your log ID? I’m thinking your ID may be a digit off, perhaps: 1547118.
I fat-fingered my log I’d yesterday: see 1547118.
Wanted to follow up, and check if anything came out of the logs that were submitted?