Sensor Hub Audible Alerts duplicated on KeyPad or other device

We have a multi-Story house and the Sense-hub is located on the main floor
The Audible Alarms work great if your on the main floor.
At night when your upstairs we cannot hear the Sense hub alarms so will have no clue that there is an intruder in our home.

Wishlist have another Device such as the key pad or extended Chime repeat the sensor hub audible alerts so that this can be positioned at key places in the home such as the basement or upstairs
This serves two purposes – scares intruders and informs occupants

thanks for your consideration – please vote


Order a second keypad and place it upstairs (within range of sense hub). The keypad itself repeats what the hub says.

Thanks for the reply
I have done a number of tests with my keypad - it does NOT repeat any audible alerts from the sensor hub

Is there a setting somewhere to make the keypad repeat the audible alarms

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That’s interesting because mine does. It is in the same room as the hub but I can hear it from the keypad itself. I will look and see if there is a setting. @Seapup

The Keypad does repeat very few phrases (and not completely), but it does not repeat the important phrases of interest in the name of security as the OP has stated. The Keypad also does not mimic any of the chime/tune sounds heard on the Hub. There is a wishlist topic that covers this request. I’ll look for it…


Then I apologize to the OP for my miscommunication. I know my key pad will announce Home or Away when armed and prompt for the code to be entered. But yes that is all I have heard it do. It will not “ding” when a door is opened and there is no current option to have the Hub announce what door. It will only “ding” when any door sensor is broken.


Here are just a few examples:

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No need to apologize. Thank you very much helping! :+1:

Yes, the Keypad does announce certain items, mostly related to state, change and required user input with regards to HMS mode. We know the Keypad has the ability to do more, hence all the wishlist requests asking for enhanced audible features. I would love to see a user-selectable menu of options for all possible Keypad audible features so the Keypad can be used as a sound extension mimicking the Hub’s audio output.

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It could also use a louder speaker if it is used as an audio hub.

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Thank you very much for the quick responses as I am new to this forum
I believe that these wishlist items cover my same ask and as such I have added Votes
These changes would be extremely helpful to making the home security system more safe