Having repeated issues with SD cards in OG Telephoto camera.
Brand new Samsung PRO Endurance card installed and formatted in a new OG Telephoto.
After a few weeks, I got a message saying “The SD card in XXX is not working properly”.
I restarted the camera and SD card worked again for a few days before failing again.
I restarted the camera again and then formatted the card in the camera and it worked for a few days and stopped again. (did this multiple times)
I did this with 3 brand new SD cards (64GB and 128GB) and same failure.
Opened ticket to Wyze and they sent replacement OG Telephoto and same failure.
Opened another ticket and they sent another replacement and it failed again.
Anyone have any ideas of what could be going on? I use the exact same cards in all of my 9 Wyze cameras and only the OG has this problem. I have even moved the “failing” SD card to other Wyze cameras, and they work fine (no failure).
I’m using the same card (128G Pro Endurance) in my OGT and only once in 18 months did it seem to “lose” the card and have to be rebooted.
Where did you get the cards from, are you sure they’re legit? Samsung makes an authenticity checking tool. Fake SD cards are rampant and you have to make sure they come from a reputable source (for example, if bought from amazon, even if it says sold by amazon, make sure there is no white sticker on it which means it was from a 3rd party seller).
Barring that, is it a location where maybe water could be getting in somehow, or very hot, etc?
I got cards from both Amazon and Best Buy and I did run the Samsung authentication and all passed. I did try one card from another camera that was working and it eventually did it again.
I wonder if it is related to the characteristics of the picture/video it is monitoring? It is pointing at our mailbox with county road going by (55mph). I do have the top 2 rows rows (traffic) disabled from the detection zone.
I have it under my eaves about 4 feet away from a v4 which has no problems.
When they sent the replacement camera, did you swap the power brick and the USB cable out too? If the cards are good and the camera has mostly been ruled out, power is the next thing I’d see causing SD card issues. If you already tried swapping those, maybe the outlet it is plugged into is having issues?
This is my only camera with the wyze outdoor power adapter, so I currently don’t have another to try, but I will try original USB/power plug.
Good idea, thanks for suggesting!
I replaced the outdoor power adapter with the original USB/power plug and it did fail again about a week later I think.
I reset the camera and it started working again. I guess I will wait and see if the failures keep persisting.
Failed again. I rebooted and was able to see data on SD card. I formatted the card (in camera). After a week, I looked and it had not recorded anything to SD card even though it was set to Continuous and SD card had 0 byte used.
Reformatted and rebooted again and it is again recording to the SD card.
Unfortunately does not appear to be related to the outdoor power adapter.
In my experience, corrupted micro SD usually happens due to insufficient power to the camera like voltage dropping too low when using very long USB cables or defective power adapter. This is of course assuming the microSD is fine. Another scenario where this happens is unstable power / power surge / power outage causing the camera to corrupt the recordings and the internal controller locking it up from further writes to the SD card (more rare).
I was previously running a 33 feet USB cable setup to power a V3 camera and it started acting weird. It will record fine for a few days and then it stops recording and I get “No video at the selected time” when I try to playback my SD recordings. The camera itself still functions fine except for recording (detection, siren, live view, & everything else still works). It is only until after restarting the camera does it start to record again, but then it stops after 2 to 3 days. In the end, I finally figured out it was my long 33 feet USB cable was causing the voltage to drop too low at a specific outdoor temperature (mainly on a sunny afternoon) so I used a separate 5V 2A power adapter plugged into an outdoor socket to fix it.
Your new outdoor adapter 5V 2 Amp shouldn’t have any problems powering the OG-T camera so maybe it doesn’t like that particular power source (unstable?). Although it doesn’t fix your issue, maybe you can set a Wyze automation to restart your camera every few days as a workaround.
I am using 2 outdoor extension cords (25’) one going to the OG-T and one going to a V4 (same circuit) with original USB cables/plugs in watertight cover under my eaves. Also have Pan v3 on outdoor on outdoor power adapter. (in addition to 7 other cams I have)
The OC-T is the only one exhibiting the problem.
If you’re certain it isn’t power or SD related then the SD card slot in the camera may be going bad. You can try cleaning it (electrical contact cleaner like DeOxIt D5 and work a junk SD card in and out 5-10 times, followed by another shot and let it dry). If you don’t have contact cleaner, isopropyl alcohol (91% if you have it, if not 70%) can help too, same process.
Obviously make sure cam is unplugged when you do this and give it some time to evaporate/dry after. Other than that, may have to replace the cam.
That’s what I was thinking, too, and then I went back to the initial post and saw that this is the second replacement (so third camera) with this issue despite trying different/new microSD cards. I guess it’s possible to hit into a bad run of cameras with faulty readers, but this one really has me perplexed.
Have you tried a card in the replacement cameras that has never been in the original? Thinking perhaps corruption or even electrical damage caused by the first cam has now damaged the cards, so where your initial issue was a bad cam, now it is a bad card.
You could try taking one of the more recent (like the Pro Endurance one) and doing a full “overwrite” format with SD Card Formatter. It will take an hour or two probably but should leave you with a clean file system and/or have an error if the card is bad.
Just to make sure we’re on the same page. Confirm if you mean 120V AC extension cords (with the USB adapters close to the cameras), or do you mean 25 foot USB extension cords (so the USB power adapters are about 30 feet from the cameras)?
If the latter, that may well be at least part of your problem. A lot of voltage drop in the TINY wires of USB cables - yes there is a HUGE variation in wire size in USB cables.