SD Card Melting

Moderator Note: Due to the number of flags on this topic, the forum software automatically closed it for four hours. I have manually re-opened it early because Wyze does not wish to shut down the discussion of this issue.

You are free to continue the discussion. However violation of the community guidelines, especially personal attacks directed at other users, will not be tolerated.


This whole thread has gotten so far off the rails itā€™s comical. Everyone just calm down. There was a very limited sporadic thermal anomaly reported involving 3rd party cards in Wyze cameras. Thatā€™s a complicated investigation because 1) itā€™s a sporadic event which is hard to duplicate and 2) it involves multiple 3rd party products (cards). Nobody is trying to hide anything.


Back from vacation. Time to reinsert the SD card.

What is the largest size of SD card is supported by Wyze?

32GB SD cards are officially supported in the V1, V2 and Pan cameras.

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Unofficially 256Gb


They say 32G but I am using 128G and tested a 256G card without problems. Currently using 128G cards in all my cameras that record more than 1 weeks (9 days) of HD continuous recording.


Hello everyone,

We appreciate your patience as weā€™ve looked into this and we totally understand that this can be alarming to experience. With help from our users, weā€™ve been tracking this issue very closely. Weā€™ve seen 0.00001% of Wyze Cams that exhibit this behavior (around 1/100,000th of a percent). Additionally, weā€™ve seen no indication that these thermal events could lead to a fire hazard. Wyze Cams are made of flame retardant materials and use only 5 volts when operating.

One thing weā€™ve observed in some returned units is damage to the microSD cards or port. Here are a few tips we suggest to reduce that risk:

  • Use up to 32GB microSD cards, but not larger
  • Be careful to not bend or twist your microSD card when removing it from its packaging
  • Donā€™t use hard tools or implements to pinch or push your microSD card
  • Donā€™t use excessive force when inserting your microSD card and make sure itā€™s facing the correct direction

From our end, we are working on ways to improve Wyze Camā€™s ability to detect microSD card failures and our method of communicating these issues to the customers to reduce the likelihood of this happening.

If your camera has experienced any sort of browning or deformation, please send in a support ticket through You can also let me know what your support ticket number is so we can make sure to look at it right away. Weā€™ll send you a prepaid return label and a replacement immediately.

We appreciate any and all feedback from our users and learning how we can improve the customer experience.


Thanks for the update

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Well I for one keep the makings for sā€™mores near each camera just in case. :sunglasses:
When life gives you lemonsā€¦


Youā€™re welcome, Jason21271.

@Solardave, were you a boy scout? Because it sounds like youā€™re trying to always be prepared.


:joy:I was actually.


Thanks for the update.

After my trial run, I see no concerns. I bought two more Cams on Prime Days yesterday.


Youā€™re welcome, ssummerlin. Thank you for your purchase! :slight_smile:


Just found this thread after my camera stopped working. I was looking at it and saw the side started melting. I am not as tech savvy as most of you so I went to google and typed in ā€waze cam v2 meltingā€ and found this forum.

I also purchased this camera through Amazon on March 1 and had a 32GB SanDisk SD card in it.

I sent a message to Wyze customer support but I thought I would also reply to this thread as well.

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That looks pretty far up on the camera for to be from the SD card causing it .
Anyway , @UserCustomerGwen I thought you might like to know about this


Just when you thought it was safe ā€¦ :volcano:

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Yeah, that looks like a different issue and one we definitely want to look into. @benny, may I please have your support ticket number so I can fast track it? We want to take this one back and send you a replacement.


I havenā€™t heard back from support yet, but when I do Iā€™ll be sure to give you the #.

And you MOCK me for my Sā€™moreā€™s preppingā€¦:sunglasses: