Hi there, from various threads here, there is still a significant user base using Jellybean or Kitkat .
The last version that doesnt require Android 5.0 , is 1.3 & it has all the important functionality to view streaming & events . This user base had everything it needed till Wyze Sense arrived, as there is no Sense support in 1.3
My cellphone runs Pie, but I have wall mounted around my house some older tablets running Kitkat dedicated to showing output from the Wyze app, I can imagine Wyze developers already have a full plate with RTSP support etc , so I a understand legacy support is not priority,
Could Wyze consider at least providing the older .apks on their website (obviously without any promise of support ), so there is an official source to download the apk from ?
the footer on aplmirror makes reference to a group “androidpolice” . i doubt these ppl have the resources to certify safe/ reverse engineer every apk binary that gets uploaded on their site.
It seems very easy for an envious competitor of Wyzecam to upload a malicious .apk there , causing a lot of grief . It would make a lot more sense for Wyze to just have a little web page with download links to the older .apks off wyzecam.com
I don’t disagree that the best option would be an official repository of old APKs, but in the absence of such a feature APK Mirror is the next best option. FWIW they inspect each APK manually, and do check signatures and hashes on the APKs to make sure they match the official Google Play versions, but downloading APKs from anywhere other than Google Play has inherent risks.
Hello, I created this request in the wish list to provide a solution for this, if the thread subject interests you probably you will be interested in voting for the request: