Run Stinky , run

Fast :skunk: Late for a date or late getting home?

It appears that stinky later on had a meeting with a :raccoon: :rofl:


Mon Cheri!

Going after a piece of tail

Hopping to it.

Skunks and raccoons living together…

The skunk looked like it didn’t spray. The raccoon WAS rubbing its face on the concrete and then the grass, but you would have smelled the aftermath.

The skunk never got his weapon facing the raccoon but it did look like the :raccoon: was rubbing his face on the driveway and the grass. The SD playback shows the skunk go under the fence on the other side of the street, the raccoon stopped by the storm drain for for a few seconds then went under the fence looking for the skunk again. Must be true :two_hearts: :two_hearts:
I did not smell anything went I went out this morning.

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Taking her time patiently waiting for her

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There is always one lagging behind. The slow one is walking funny, maybe it has an injured right rear leg?
I used to have one I called Gimpy because it traveled around on three legs, the front right was out of operation.

Stinky :skunk: ran by again this morning in a hurry. Maybe looking for its :raccoon: friend. :thinking: