Rough day for the trash can

First the garbage collector knocked it over after he emptied it then the pool guy hit it with his truck. The pool guy did pick it back up.


Thank you for documenting and reporting this abuse. This kind of behavior is just shameful and unnecessary!

Good thing it was empty. The garbage truck always lives a string of turned over containers on both sides of the street every week.

Thanks for posting. I enjoy seeing all of the videos you post. You sure have lots of activity for living on a cul de sac street.

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What are you doing in Captured? Shouldnā€™t you be reading something technical and boring?

Jason: Add another week of provisional Cravenhood to this gentlemanā€™s status. Slacking so soon is not a good sign. :face_with_monocle:


Evidence of the trash can abuse.


What I should be doing is touching grass (as the kids supposedly say[1]) and tending to other responsibilities, but yā€™all are too much fun! Youā€™re definitely right about the slacking. :slightly_frowning_face:

  1. Not the ā€œweedā€ kind of ā€œgrassā€! ā†©ļøŽ

Ever see a cat on a leash? Thatā€™s you now. :rofl:

Mental health break after reading PeepPosts. :rofl:


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Meaning that Iā€™ll maintain my obstinacy? Works for me! :grin:

:point_up: The polar opposite of this. Sometimes Iā€™ve felt like Iā€™m really on a similar wavelength :wavy_dash::brain::wavy_dash:[1] with :frog:, and I find that refreshingly engaging. I feel like itā€™s good for my mental health!

  1. Not the same as ā€œfuzzbrainā€ use. ā†©ļøŽ

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This is a good insight. Donā€™t let people talk you out of it. :trophy: :smiley_cat:

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Peep posts keep me dementia-free. :heart:


Itā€™s absolutely sincere, too. One of my all-time favorite Forum posts is still the one from @habib that Iā€™ve referenced before, and I donā€™t claim to understand everything you write by any means, but in some topics Iā€™ve gotten the distinct impression that weā€™re the only people who know (or maybe care) what the other is talking about, and I enjoy that rapport a great deal. I think it helps to keep me on my toes or grounded or whatever positive idiom you care to toss in there. :upside_down_face:

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Yeah, and Iā€™m pretty benign. Hereā€™s an example of going ā€˜peep postal.ā€™

See? Harmless. :slight_smile:

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As The Admiral sez: ā€œItā€™s always something.ā€


An expletive-enhanced rendition of that phrase was on repeat in my brain yesterday. :roll_eyes:

Another good Tee Shirt idea. With this in the center of the shirt :poop: :poop:

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Our Garbage guy has broken both of our garbage bins now. I keep meaning to call to get them replaced, and hope they donā€™t charge us for doing so.

One of them has a huge crack on the bottom of it (and when a bag broke open it leaked stuff on our driveway). The other has a huge crack on the lid and the back of it which allow insects in and out, not to mention smells.

Itā€™s definitely from them being rough with it, but Iā€™m not sure I can prove it since I didnā€™t notice it until long after all the cloud events are gone. Hopefully they donā€™t make me pay for replacements.

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I had to submit photos of the condition and they did not charge me.

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