Robot vacuum wheels have permanently stained my hardwood floors

If you look back, you’ll see this thread dates back 3 years now. Amazing that Wyze simply will not help their customers with a warning. I’m tired of beating that old dead horse of a subject. They will never do the right thing here.

As for the cleaning, check your roller brush. When that gets clogged, you’ll start to see stuff being left behind. You can check your app to see how many hours that has been used and if it’s time to replace.

Yes _ I just edited my post. Right after I posted it I checked the roller brush and that was absolutely the problem. I feel like a dumbass on that LOL. But the marks on my floor - I am pretty pissed about that. My floors were very expensive. I would never have purchased something that would have damaged them! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I would be interested to know the AC rating of the flooring that is damaged.

The normal rating is 3 and the range is from 1 to 6.

AC ratings are for laminate floors. Mine are hardwood.

The floor is not abraded in any way. It appears to have burn marks, such as from heat. Again, NO abrasion whatsoever.

Joining the party and any lawsuits

I kept checking the wheels but there is nothing on them. And it is not just where it is docked, This is laminate floor.

I also placed ikea PLÖJA desk mat under the charging thing and it went into it also, so it is not that it reacts with any wood finish, it gets into “Polyethylene, EVA plastic”

This has been going on for years, and no one has actually started a lawsuit to my knowledge. Many say they will, but none do. My floors are also all marked up from the wheels, and it sucks, but nothing is going to change about it. Unfortunately, your only real options are use the vacuum, sell it, or throw it away (please don’t throw it away… already too much electronic waste in landfills).

Same here. Fought it for years. Even got a replacement unit and did the same. Very sad that the only way to remove the marks are to have my floors refurbished. If you hear of a lawsuit, I’m in!

You can see some of my previous comments. In case it helps others, I was able to (finally) get Wyze to reimburse me for the costs of repairing my hardwood floors. It took months of having to push for it though.

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Wow! That is crazy.

It would be immensely helpful for everyone if you posted your emails with them confirming this.

Then we can take your emails and use it as leverage to help them pay for ours.

Let us know!

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My emails alone wouldn’t help much. I was only able to get this resolved thanks to the WA Attorney General’s office, which sent a complaint on my behalf.

My suggestion remains the same, even for those that don’t live in WA state. At a minimum, you should try and see what comes of it, though they do not promise a resolution. Worst case, the Attorney General will be made aware and can take a different action if they receive numerous complaints.

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