Robot Vacuum Update When?

I received my robot vacuum in February and can’t connect it to my network. When will the software update be available to fix this issue?

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Hello @chiefreeves and welcome to the community

Have you contacted support on this. I thought that was resolved with the exception of some units that had to be returned, but I could be wrong.

WYZE Support

Live support is available:


Monday - Friday 5 am - 6 pm PT

Saturday 8 am - 4 pm PT


I’ve contacted support and only gotten the generic “we’re working on it”. I asked last week for an update and a rep asked me for my purchase information to look into a return or something, but I’ve heard nothing back. I thought this was supposed to be fixed! If I have to get a replacement, why let us wait? Very frustrating.

Welcome @greg.harry!

Wyze is definitely working on this issue.

Do you have a ticket number? Try calling the number Jason listed above and mention your situation(and ticket number if possible).

Thank you - I will do that tomorrow! I do have a ticket.

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Got it working. Had to turn off cellular network to get the wifi connection to pair. Thank you all that replied.