Robot vacuum brush motor pulsing

This vacuum builds up a crazy amount of static and it has trouble dissipating it. It would be covered in debris top to bottom and inside (e.g. under the lid). One time it suddenly died while vacuuming – I found the rear contacts touching a metallic corner bead on a wall.

So I coated/wiped-down all surfaces with Reztore ESD Surface & Mat Cleaner which has static dissipative properties.

I coated the charger base also since it was attracting debris that affected charging. (Added 2022-11-04)

The static problem is gone! As a benefit it is also working much better. It is collecting (a lot) more in the bin and I no longer need to vacuum it off every use. The hair tangle in the brush roller has lessened been eliminated (once I coated the entire brush cover-plate, bearing, etc). (Updated 2022-05-18)

Nowadays I go over the worst spots with a better vacuum before the robot reaches it, I hardly need to touch the brush now. (Added 2023-07-17)

When I have issues with charging I clean the contacts with isopropyl alcohol. (Added 2022-11-04)

Alternatives to Reztore (I have not tried these) (Added 2023-01-16)

  • Anti-ESD/static “computer wipes” or screen/plastic cleaners – LOTS.
  • NOVUS #1 plastic clean & shine (Claims antistatic/dust repellent properties)