I can’t get my vac to connect to my wifi. It was connected but something will not now. It sort of went crazy when I ran it last night. I think I accidentally did a factory reset. I pressed the home button for 5 seconds and it said factory reset starting, but I did not press the home button again to complete the reset sequence. I tried to do the complete reset sequence. I press the home button for 5 seconds. It says factory reset starting. I release it and press it again for 5 seconds. It says factory reset starting again. I can’t get it to say factory reset complete. Don’t know if I did a factory reset or not and if the vac is caught in some kind of reset limbo.
Try removing the battery. Flip the vac on its top, remove the main brush cover. You will see four small Philips head screws. Remove those and remove the battery cover. Lift the battery carefully and notice how the wires are routed. Disconnect the plug, count to 10 so any capacitors are discharged, and reconnect the battery. Reassemble and try it again.
Thanks, good to know, I got it to work think rebooting the router may have done it, but you can never be sure.
I found this to be true about auto repair. When diagnosing an intermittent, and ‘substitute with known good module’ is used, and a long test drive has no problems, I never released the car. I put the old module back on and made sure the problem came back. Sometimes I would get the customers permission to drive it home (55 mile round trip).
Your vacuum could have just decided to start working or the reboot fixed it. Let’s hope it was the reboot.