I’d like to use a micro sd extender with the Wyze Cam 3 to more easily access the micro sd card. Is anyone using one that works very well on the Cam 3? If yes, please provide link or manufacturer & model number. Thanks!
I had the same idea about a year ago. Tried 3 different products I bought on Amazon. Nothing worked. Two of the three would not stay locked in place. Not what you wanted to hear, but hope this helps anyway.
Thanks. Could you tell me which ones you tried that didn’t work?
Whoa, You tried a bunch that didn’t work! Thank you for this list of ones that don’t work for the Cam 3. (Adding the emphasis for others who may read this)
There’s a forum from years ago where a guy found one that works but it’s a micro to standard SD card. I remember him using it through the blinds and is anal like me where you don’t want to move the camera when the angle is perfect.
I think it was a forum back in 2019. I considered mounting mine under a soffit and needed a shortcut from the knee wall rather than climb a ladder from outside. Thanks for the list @Sam_Bam Sam_Bam I just thought it was the cable length or brand. Curious to know if those only failed on V3s?
This did NOT work on V2 or V3
Add SD Card Extender [68cm (26 inch) long cable] : ID 3687 : $6.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
That is not one I tried. I can rule it out as a “not tried” because of its length. None I tried were that long. Mine were 6-7 inches.