Pareidolia - a psychological phenomenon that causes people to see patterns in a random stimulus. This often leads to people assigning human characteristics to objects.
No, you’re not crazy, you’re human.
Pareidolia - a psychological phenomenon that causes people to see patterns in a random stimulus. This often leads to people assigning human characteristics to objects.
No, you’re not crazy, you’re human.
Yup , exactly what I said
You are correct sir. It is a fox.
Looks like a spiderweb
I just haven’t seen anything that looks crazy or inexplicable. People post videos of spiders lit up by the IR illuminators all the time, and they think their homes are being attacked by the spirit world or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Seeing a few random dots in a stillframe of a video that vaguely resembles a face is no different than looking up at the sky and seeing objects in clouds. If I see a cloud in the shape of a piano or an anvil, I’m not terribly worried that the cloud is going to fall on my head.
The simplest explanation is almost always the right one.
Leaven that with…
The unlikely sometimes occurs. Remain open to it.
…and I’m with ya, brother.
If you see clouds shaped like an anvil, you should be worried. The shape signifies a thunderstorm in its mature stage, The cloud at the top of the storm spreads downwind, creating conditions for a tornado to form.
Cats face. Love magic eye…
MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines
I get that crazy moving light on a wall in my videos too
Time to turn on the Infrared lights and see what’s there.
You also need to appreciate that a “picture” generated by a digital camera contains a lot of computationally generated artifacts, especially in low light. Some of those are a result of averaging the light level in areas all over the frame to reduce the amount of data the camera sends to the internet (you can see some of this in the enlarged screenshots in this thread as vaguely rectangular patches; there are no such patches in the actual scene). This compression will result in “things that are not there” if you take every received pixel literally. The same thing happens with still images in digital cameras (often JPEG compression), but with video, the data transmitted is also often further reduced by sending a “key frame” (a complete image, albeit compressed) followed by partial frames that fill in any changes that happen over a short time. This is especially efficient if the subject of the video is mostly not changing when the “difference” frames can be quite small. To avoid the eventual loss of too much of a “real” image that would be caused by piling lots of small adjustments on top of each other and the key frame, a new key frame is sent every second or so to restore some accuracy; when you watch Wyze camera output closely you can see the key frames arrive as a very sight jerk or nudge that cleans up the picture every one or two seconds.
The reduction of visual fidelity gives ample opportunity for our brains to try and recognize things in the mushy image, and our brains are tuned to detect threats (tigers in tall grass), and faces.
My laugh and chuckle for the day
Your wife has reason to worry about you… You are seeing things… as for seeing something on cam/app thats not there… sometimes you will have a delay between real life and the video you see on the app… sometimes as much as dozens of seconds… he may HAVE been there on the app but not looking out a window at your car. Server delays and bandwidth can alter time.
I have an orb party coming as soon as WYZE approves it and then there’s this six-wing or 12 six on each side on a skinny body like a hot dog and a head of like a mouse?? weird I had put the cam out to see what my lab dose at night.