Welcome to the forums! The community is here to help, just need more information as to your issue, beyond the screen shot of the event clip that you posted. Look forward to an update!
Is that a Wyze camera? Maybe from an Android I guess? I have never seen those icons or that layout from a Wyze camera?
Yea the screen shot looks right like viewing a full screen event clip, here is one from my Android phone. I suspect they have zoomed in to somewhere as the watermark or timestamp is not visible. Can’t tell what the issue is that the op is having, maybe something to do with being zoomed in? Waiting on the OP to reply…
Ah that makes sense! I rarely look in landscape mode. The image appears to have artifacts and some areas of pixelated video. Bad WiFi connection maybe?
Could be, I think it’s just a digital zoomed in pic on the app in night vision mode. The mystery remains, @tdearinger7, any further info?
I saw this last night, stared at it for a while to try to make sense of it, figured it was some creepy Blair Witch / Paranormal Activity / Ring test, and backed slowly away.
event1594095703000_2CAA8E685E6F11594095703.mp4 (728 KB)
1594617744.mp4 (2.42 MB)
event1594095703000_2CAA8E685E6F11594095703.mp4 (728 KB)
1594617744.mp4 (2.42 MB)
Those appear to be dust particles caught in a air stream or current. Particles fluoresce in night vision and tend to look larger than they are. Same with insects, those can look like Godzilla run amok in night vision.