Orbs or tech issues?

My experience with WYZE started when my dad passed away. He died unexpectedly…I installed a camera in his apartment because I didn’t trust the maintenance people in his building (I won’t go into that…). First night and I received a motion sensor notification and there went this solid dot and the green box following it up till a certain point…it’s been now exactly one year since that day and I’ve received another motion sensor notification on that same camera which has captured this huge orb. Long story short…over the past year I’ve had orbs appears everyday. But those have not caused the motion sensor to activate. My dad has been cremated and he has been with me in my home since. I don’t know what to believe if it’s a tech issue with the camera or if it truly has something to do with my father. Just wanted to post these up and see what other opinions out there be. Thanks all.

If you are using night vision with the IR lights on I would say it was probably an flying bug of some kind:

Hello. I wish I can post the videos however WYZE won’t allow first time users to upload anything? That’s a bummer. They definitely don’t look like bugs nor would there be any reason there would be bugs in the two homes the videos are captured. I hope to upload them once I’m unlocked from this new user jail.

Maybe not a bug but it could be dust drifting by right in front of the camera lens. I’ve never been in a dust free house. :grin:

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Do you know when I can start uploading videos as a new user here?

I don’t remember what the rules are. I’ll have to find one of the forum moderators to chime in.

This is what I found on another post:
Video size limit is 5.86MB or you can post a YouTube Link of any size;
You can get yourself to Trust Level 1 easily by:

  • Entering at least 5 topics
  • Reading at least 30 posts/comments
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

Then you will have permission to post a video.

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Easiest way is to upload to YouTube and post the link.

If I were you, I would like to believe it is your father. Things happen like that.

One of my father’s favorite snacks was a small bag of regular Ruffles potato chips.
A few days after he passed (at one day short of being 90) we were driving to visit my mother and were stopped at a stop light about a mile from where he was in hospice. As we were waiting for the light to change, an empty Ruffles bag blew in front of our car.
It could have been a coincidence but I like to believe it was a sign.

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New users can up their trust levels by themselves by participating in the forum by checking out different topics and reading their posts/replies. This promotes forum engagement and knowhow on how to navigate the forum platform. Each trust level allows the new user to have more abilities. @Antonius posted the limits of the example on how new users can up their trust level to the next. Looking at your stats, you’re very close already to moving up trust levels. To help your search for answers here, I’ve upped your trust level so you can now post the videos if you want.


Oh wow thank you I appreciate that.

These are the only two videos that have activated a motion sensor and notification. All Other orbs in the last year it only appeared when I came into the room or as I’m leaving the room.

Video#2 - 2/1/2025 - you can also see two other orbs towards the end of the video, not motion detected but what I’m used to seeing daily.

Video #1 - 1/31/2024


To me it looks like they are some small particulates in the air, maybe a small bug, that is moving in view and illuminated by the cameras ir lights. You can try to lower your motion sensitivity to a place where those small objects don’t trigger motion events.

Glad to help! Looks like you spent more time reading and surfing the forum here, and just that added enough to where you would of upped your trust level yourself. Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

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Is it too dark to turn off the IR? My OG sees great with low light. I only use IR on my V2 cams.

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Looks like dust particles to me.