Recurring/daily time lapse schedule

They responded to the request with a “Maybe Later” status, which means they’ve not committed to implement this and there are other things that are a priority over it. It’s not completely off the table, but the following is the list of requests they’re currently giving priority to now:

Number of Votes also aren’t the only thing that matters in determining which Wishlist gets priority…If it were, there are still at least 71 wishlist requests with more votes than this one that haven’t been implemented yet anyway, so it would still be far down behind a lot of other requests.

Here's a list of things that can be taken into account in determining which requests get priority, besides number of votes or how long ago it was requested:

Note the following was written for the SD card “Fast Forward/Rewind” and scrubbing wishlist request:

It would be nice to have recurring timelapse scheduling at some point, but with it being listed as “Maybe later” and having fewer than 200 votes and not very much activity, I don’t expect this to happen for a while if ever. However, the more people that contribute to the conversation like we are now, the better, and it will bring the topic to the top for others to see and be more likely to vote on it, and it will show there is still a demand for this feature and bring it to Wyze’s attention as they review the wishlist (the VP of product said in an AMA that they review the wishlist every week). So every little bit helps, but don’t get your hopes up too much on it being within the next 6-12 months since it hasn’t even been tagged as “researching” yet. Make any plans accordingly.