I have a question about recordings to the cloud on a cam plus account camera. I have the Wyze cam v3 and someone drove down my driveway and sat in front of my home yesterday while I was away. I had about a 17 second snapshot video of them I could see but that’s as much video that recorded. How can I extend that video footage to see what they did either prior to them getting into camera view or more specifically, watching what happened to them after they drive away because the camera did not do that so I have no idea how long they just sat there or if they got off the mule cart and explored my property. There currently is no SD card inserted since I got the cam plus version and assumed that captured more video to the cloud I could see the before and after video. Any help is appreciated.
You can’t. Without continuous recording to an SD card, the only video saved is what the cam sent to the cloud. The cloud stores for 14 days only what you see as Events in the Wyze app.
Put a µSD card into the camera and set to continuous recording.
Cloud records are events only and have never been continuous.
Thank you, that’s what I thought the solution was gonna be. I did t fully read the plan when I first got it as I read records to the cloud for review and thought that will be great, I won’t need to buy an SD card now. I’m not certain what the benefits of buying a can plus subscription really is now.
Each has it’s advantages and limitations.
The biggest advantages of CamPlus are substantially more intelligent notifications, no cool down (as compared to CamPlus lite), and it does at least some recording off-site.
The biggest disadvantage of CamPlus is it has a cost and any features are dependent on your Internet and WiFi working.
The biggest advantage of µSD card recording is it DOES work during an Internet failure (there is currently a semi-bug on that one), and the ability to have continuous recording.
The biggest disadvantage to using µSD cards is an added expense and you really SHOULD test them once in a while to make sure they really are working (both cards and card slots can fail).
Personally I have almost 50 Wyze cameras and have CamPlus Unlimited on all of them and except for one camera with a failed card slot, all of them have a µSD card set to continuous recording. Cards vary from 64 to 256 GB.
No subscription here. A micro SD and “Event Only” has worked fine for me over the years. Just my opinion.
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