Record vehicles but don't send notifications (Wyze cam v3)

I would like the ability to record vehicle motion (Smart Detection) but not get notified. I don’t believe this is possible and I don’t know if it has been suggested. It would be very helpful if the notifications could be broken down by AI types instead of all Wyze AI Events.

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Welcome to the User Community Forum @StellaBlue22!

You are correct, this is not currently possible with the current Public Release Firmware on the V3. With the current V3 FW version, notifications for Smart AI tags are all or nothing.

However, the next update for the V3 Firmware, which is currently in an updated round of Beta Testing, has been reported to add this functionality (AI Tag specific notification toggles) to the V3 Cams. I have been awaiting it’s release for some time.

I have been watching all the Beta testing threads for the next V3 Firmware release because there are many other functionality improvements that will be in the much anticipated update.


That is good news. Thank you for your response and I really hope it is implemented. Also the ability to change the notification sound without using some third party hack for the iPhone. I’ll keep monitoring.

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Can’t give you any hope on that one. I use Android which has this native capability for the WyzeMessage notification channel. I also use a powerful 3rd party app to further customize my notifications by individual cam and AI tag type.

There is a roadmap topic for this request: