Reboot vs Reset

I had a software update fail on the Wyze Cam v3. The message says to reboot and try again. I only see instructions to reset the camera. What is the difference between reset and reboot? How do I reboot the camera?

Unplug then plug back in power

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To me, reboot and reset and power-cycle are synonyms that all mean the exact same thing, but some people get confused and consider them different somehow. :man_shrugging:

The only other option is “reset to factory settings” or “factory reset” which means change everything back to default and go through setup again.

I like what is said above, pull out the cord and plug it back in and see if it starts working. If that doesn’t work, then try a factory reset instead.


With all due respect, both phrases are two different things. Reset, IMHO means to set piece of equipment to its factory state, as in resetting the iPhone to it’s factory settings. Reboot, means power cycle as in rebooting your computer or iPhone by sliding the power bar.

Semantics :wink:

That would constitute “reboot”

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Yeah, I totally get, and totally respect, that opinion/interpretation. AND I agree with your point.

The 2 have always been synonymous to me because I grew up with things that had “reset” buttons where the only thing the reset button did was power-cycle the device without restoring it to factory settings. For example, lots of older computers used to have a “reset” button, but all that button ever did was to reboot the computer. It never set it back to factory settings. The Firmware settings remained unchanged, the OS remained completely unaffected, etc. nothing was actually “factory reset” despite the device being “reset” with the reset button. Original Nintendos and other gaming systems also had a reset button, and although it is arguably a more applicable term here, in all reality the only thing the reset button really did was also just power-cycle (restart) the device. Games with save memory “saves” didn’t delete their saves and restore the games to factory. It was fairly common once upon a time for things to have reset buttons that basically only "restarted’ things, so a lot of people came to use the term the same way. That is why people often use it synonymously, even if it isn’t “technically” correct to do so.

Soon, the term “reset” became colloquially synonymous with “power off and back on” (reboot/power-cycle). So for most of the people I know, and most of my life growing up, the term “reset” has always basically just meant to power-cycle something unless it is attached with a clarifier of the word “factory.”

BUT, because this is easily misunderstood and misinterpreted by lots of people (different cultures, different experiences, different colloquial expressions, etc), I rarely to never use the word reset in here, and almost always say “Power-cycle” or “Unplug, wait X seconds and plug it back in.” I avoid saying “reset” because I know so many people misunderstand it, but I still see lots of people online use the term “reset” in the same way I do, meaning to “restart.” So I am just trying to help people understand that lots of people just mean “restart” when they say “reset” unless the word “factory” is addended to the sentence somewhere.

Might be improper use, I don’t disagree with that, and as I said, I fully respect that…I am just explaining common colloquial use of the term, as misguided as it may be. :slight_smile: Though to my horror and colloquial expressions often become proper definitions…I still struggle to accept people using the term “literally” to mean the exact OPPOSITE of the word literally to the point where we no longer have a word that actually clearly means literally anymore because dictionaries now say it’s proper use to say “literally” when you mean “figuratively” or don’t mean anything at all and are just creating emphasis for your statement, and thus it’s a pointless word because it literally means everything and no longer has it’s own meaning, and there is now no way to clearly convey the idea of literally without it possibly being interpreted as the opposite or as nothing.

All that to say, I totally respect and understand wanting to keep the term “reset” to mean “factory reset” for the sake of clarify…I also know LOTS of people who simply use it to mean “restart” even though that is not the proper use of “reset.” :man_shrugging:

That’s why I said they are synonymous to me. :slight_smile: I think your added clarification is a critical point that needed to be added though, so I am glad you chimed in. Good discussion though @habib :+1: Semantics are insane, frustrating and yet interesting. :rofl: Thanks for the friendly disagreement though. I always welcome (and highly respect) that, and I agree with your point.

One of the reasons that I am really explicit when explaining procedures to other people. Terminology differences based on background can have profound differences in the end result.

There is a famous story from the L.A. riots in the early 1990s. A bunch of National Guard troops were helping, along with dozens of different law enforcement agencies. In many cases there were teams that had a combination of LA county Sheriff deputies or Los Angeles police, law enforcement from other agencies, and National Guard working together. In this event, there was one Sheriff deputy and three National Guard troops. They had taken some fire and were responding. The deputy was going to enter the building and asked the rest of the team to “Cover me”. To the military that meant covering fire. Several hundred rounds of automatic weapons fire later the deputy was able to get the guard guys to stop shooting. The meaning of “Cover me” was very different between law enforcement and military personnel.

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Come on now, you are just aging yourself :wink:

I hear you loud and clear. I grew up and worked all my life (still do) with Apple Macintosh computers, and Steve Jobs hated the OFF button :wink:

Again, I totally get you and I did understand what you meant. However in the context of Wyze cameras, reset means factory reset. That is why I disrupted your train of thoughts :wink:

Amen to that brother :clap:

Same here, and just so you know, I deeply respect and appreciate all your advise. You know your s@#t :slight_smile:
Thanks for trolling the forum :wink:

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Now that is an interesting and “funny” story. Hope no one got hurt :fearful:

Great stuff buddy, I love it. Thanks for the fun. I very much enjoyed the discussion. :+1:
