Random Resets on Home Position

My Cam Pan V3 seems to always change its home position on its own. I have to reset the home position to where I want it almost every day through Detection Zone, Waypoints, etc. After I get it set to the spot I want, I find it will usually change to something slightly different within a day or so, then I have to readjust it again.

It seems like I’ve tried everything to get it to always return back to the same position. Anyone else having this issue or have any ideas to solve this?

I believe I have the same problem, however it only started showing after the last FW update. I got this camera right around release and it always kept the home location set. I have noticed recently that when the camera goes to Privacy mode via and Automatic Rule it’s home position changes completely, sometimes is about 45 degrees off and this morning I noticed is 90 degree off-center.

Interesting. You never noticed any slight shifts prior to the last FW update?

Correct. I did find out because the camera got so offset from center that it was ver obvious, and the led me to search the forums and the discord server for potential fixes.

What i found out is this is a known issue with the cam, as per forum posts and a discord entry on fixes Wyze is working on. There is a beta FW being released to fix a drift problem that may or may not be related to the reset home position but Wyze did mention the FW may provide data to fix the reset home issue.

Apparently many are. There was at least one new topic started about it yesterday:

Also correct. There’s an open fix-it-friday item attempting to address this issue:

Waypoint issues have been noted in multiple topics. The most detail I’ve seen so far is here:

At least one person is reporting some mitigation with a Rule to do some resets as a workaround:

Thanks for the details Crease! I have also added a rule to reset the camera but I forgot to check if it worked or not, in my case the reset rule is supposed to kick in at the beginning of the active period so I will remember to check tonight when the rule becomes active again.

The camera is crooked as of this morning but that does not matter to me as long as when it comes online it resets first and then properly tracks the waypoints that I set.

You’re welcome. While my experience with this issue has been only the occasional minor annoyance, I understand that many others who have posted to the Forum report this as a frustratingly recurrent issue. Hopefully whatever data Wyze is gathering with their beta channel yields steps toward a useful resolution for y’all.

Very helpful. I appreciate all the good info!

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I can confirm that adding a Reset Camera Rule within the app allows the Pan Cam to revert back to its original position even if it was off-centered to begin with. This may be the best option for now to make sure you always start from the right origin position.

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I’m glad that’s working for you! Thanks for adding your feedback here.

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