Questions for those testing Wyze app 3.2

Hello Beta Testers,

The Project Manager handling some of the recent app changes would like me to ask you some questions about the new Event detail page.

  1. When you click on a notification and are sent into the Event detail page, would you also like to see adjacent events? If so, would you like to see them from all cameras or just the camera that created the notification?
  • From all cameras
  • From camera that caused the notification
  • I do not have the need to view other event videos
0 voters
  1. The new UI has the buttons on the lower right of the screen. Would you prefer those buttons be dismissed automatically after 5-seconds? Or, do you prefer the current behavior where they can be dismissed by clicking anywhere on the screen?
  • Dismiss after 5 seconds
  • Dismiss by tapping on screen
0 voters

Thank you for your time and helping us make improvements to the app.


Not sure if I like the changed event screen. We always had the ability to go to the next or previous event. All they changed was we swipe up or down now.

Also, the option icons now block a quarter of the playback until you tap the screen. I liked them at the bottom of the screen where they weren’t in the way.

This seems more like a change for changes sake and no added functionality that I see.


Totally agree, they should instead focus on dark and landscape mode.

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