Problem with payment methods

Web site portal will not add a paypal payment method. Setting to default for paypal does nothing even after i add a valid paypal account. New paypal payment method does not show up under account payments. Also when i added a credit card for cam plus system used my google account and added a credit card to my google account which i dont want. It did not use the email i typed in at all . Your billing system is messed up. Also
billing system does not give option for an annual plan after free trial

From my experience you have to use the same email you use for your account for your subscription.

Can I ask what browser you’re using? I haven’t experienced any issues when updating or changing my payment methods.

Also, this is primarily a user to user forum, so your best bet for getting support from Wyze is to go through their customer service/support methods (chat, email, call).


I am using PayPall and haven’t had any issues.

I use firefox browser… it did not add paypal for the free 1 mo trial of cam plus.
However when i purchased a cam plus subscription from the store i was presented with the paypal option. Go figure

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