Price increase

Wyze just increased the price in all of their home monitiring devices, a big increase too. I wanted to wait till black friday incase I can land a better deal but my cart just went up $50 and every single product and device doubled in price.

I feel like this isn’t being talked enough about and I wanted to make sure I am not crazy alone in this!


Here is the screenshot of the total before the price increase!

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My biggest surprise is that they didn’t raise the prices a few weeks ago like everyone else in order to drop them on BFriday/CMonday to seem like a bigger drop for search engine recommendation improvement.

That is a pretty heavy increase though! I expected something closer to 15-25% increase earlier this month. I wonder why they waited until now and why so high.


Pretty crazy. Contact sensors almost doubled in price since last year. Time to consider alternatives such as Ring.


Oh wow, they increased sensors AGAIN even after OP’s first post a few days ago. Now they’re showing up for $41.98 for a 3 pack for $14 each. Though Ring’s are still more expensive at $20 each:

I think all smart home costs will be going up even more for everyone next year though. Even Ring’s sensors and most of their devices are all made in China (as are most smart home devices for most companies), so the coming tariffs will be increasing almost all smart home costs soon. Between now and Cyber Monday are a GREAT time to buy and stock up on any smart home items anyone might have been considering, just in case. I think I better hurry and go buy a few things this weekend after seeing things going up some places, and general Black Friday not having as many killer big deals as I’m used to seeing.


Hopefully things will pick up on Cyber Monday.

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