Preorder Shipment Update #8
Week of 1/27/2021!
Hey, friends!
Another week, another Preorder Shipment Update. Hopefully you’re not sick of hearing from me yet! If you are, well, Community Manager Appreciation Day was yesterday so I guess you’re allowed to have an opinion again.
Here’s what I have this week for updates on the manufacturing and shipping of your super shiny preordered items.
First, some weekly reminders.
I’m running out of punchlines about moving, buuuuut the need for you to update your shipping address if you’ve got a new address has not changed! If you think we have the wrong info for your order (yes, even slightly), please contact our support team ASAP! We’ll need the right shipping address on file, otherwise our shipping partners get really confused, and I get really confused, and it’s just not a good time.
The dates that you see in these emails are estimates for when your devices will ship . After shipping, our partners will work on getting your package to you. Please give about 4-14 business days for your new device(s) to complete their journey!
Not in the Contiguous US? If you’re in Hawaii, Alaska, or Puerto Rico, it could take up to 2-4 weeks to get your package to you. You’re a little more work but you’re worth it. (I think an ex has told me that before…)
Ready for this week’s updates? Alright, let’s go!
Quick summary.
A lot has happened since we last spoke! Here’s a summary of what changed this week for those not interested in the details:
Wyze Cam v3:
- Orders from 12/15 - 12/22 used to say should ship by 1/29…
Orders from 11/15 - 12/22 have already shipped. (By 1/25)
Wyze Robot Vacuum:
- Shipping finished last week.
No longer needs to be in these emails, so I deleted it.
Wyze Video Doorbell:
- Shipping was estimated to begin around 1/29.
Shipping started today! (1/27)
Wyze Sprinkler Controller:
- Shipping was estimated to begin in early February.
Shipping started today! (1/27)
Wyze Plug Outdoor:
- Shipping was estimated to begin in early February.
Shipping started today! (1/27)
Wyze Cam v3
100% of preorders have shipped.
All of the outstanding preorders for Wyze Cam v3 have shipped!
Notes for Wyze Cam v3
It feels super good to be able to say that we’ve finally finished shipping all of our Wyze Cam v3 preorders! We battled through ongoing COVID-19 stuff, ongoing component shortages, and we battled through the 2020 Holiday season. Thank you so much for being so patient with us. Every single one of your cams are on the way and I’m super excited.
Please make sure to share your awesome clips from your new cam with us on any of our Community pages! We community managers love to hear from you.
Still waiting to order your Wyze Cam v3? We’re finalizing a plan for the future with our partners. You should hear from us soon.
Wyze Thermostat
100% of preorders have been shipped.
All of the outstanding preorders for Wyze Thermostat have shipped!
New orders are expected to ship within our normal 1-3 day window until preorders end.
Notes for Wyze Thermostat
Wyze Thermostat preorders are still open for a bit longer to allow more people to get in on the special preorder pricing before our inventory starts being affected by the new tariffs. We’re able to ship these within our normal timeframe of 1-3 days at this time.
Wyze Video Doorbell
14% of preorders have been shipped.
Orders started shipping today!
I’ll have more specific dates for your order(s) starting next week.
Wyze Sprinkler Controller
1% of preorders have been shipped.
Orders started shipping today!
I’ll have more specific dates for your order(s) starting next week.
Wyze Watch
These haven’t started shipping yet.
Wyze Watches are set to start shipping in early April. I’ll have more specific dates for your order(s) once shipping has begun.
We appreciate your patience!
Notes for Wyze Watch
Last week, we mentioned that quality control checks on our early Wyze Watch shipments found a weak point in the outer casing. We’re working on manufacturing devices with reinforced casing, and we’re aiming for March or early April to start shipping. We really appreciate your patience!
Wyze Home Monitoring Hardware
These haven’t started shipping yet.
The new generation of Wyze Sense is estimated to start shipping in late Apri l. I’ll have more specific dates for your order(s) once shipping has begun.
This includes Core Starter Kits as well as additional Entry Sensors, Motion Sensors, and Keypads.
Ordered Wyze Cams with your Wyze Home Monitoring equipment? They’ll ship separately as soon as they’re in stock.
Notes for Wyze Home Monitoring Hardware
Last week, I mentioned that some of the internal components that are used in the Wyze Sense Hub v2 and its sensors have become extremely constrained. We expect shipping of these devices to begin around late April, but we’re cautiously optimistic that we may be able to start sooner than this. Please be on the lookout for more updates in these emails as I get more information.
Wyze Plug Outdoor
1% of preorders have been shipped.
Orders started shipping today!
I’ll have more specific dates for your order(s) starting next week.
Wyze Handheld Vacuum
These haven’t started shipping yet.
Our newest Wyze product has been a big hit! These are expected to start shipping in March. I’ll have more specific dates for your order(s) once shipping has begun.
Notes for Wyze Handheld Vacuum
Wyze Handheld Vacuum might not be shipping quite yet, but it is restocked! If you’ve been waiting for this device to come back in stock, it’s a great idea to place your order before we run out again!
As always, thanks for reading through my updates! See you next week!
– Jimmy from Wyze
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3933 Lake Washington BLVD NE STE 350 Kirkland, WA 98033
©2020 Wyze Labs, Inc.