A Friday night in December of 2012 was a stressful time for me when I surprised a young teenager in my bedroom going through my wife’s jewelry box. This situation could have ended very badly but it did not. Consequently, I became very interested in security cameras. I put up a two-tiered system of cameras, an upper level of broad view cameras in the second story and more cameras in the first story with overlapping views. Fourteen cameras in all and each hardwired to two DVR’s and two monitors in my office. Its a somewhat redundant two brands system. Should one system fail, I still had the other. This system worked very well; I would get a notice on my cell phone with multiple camera images. Times and internet protocols changed and I did not receive any more phone images.
Then, about a year ago, WYZE came into my life through my sister’s son-in-law who showed me a V1 and a Pancam. He was monitoring rats and other animals living under their house. I was amazed at how much clearer the 1080p images were and also at their other features.
To power each newer V2, I tapped off the 12v power line feeding a nearby legacy camera with a One to Two power splitter. Then a 12v to 5v step-down transformer was inserted between one of the splitter outputs and the USB-A end of the cord to the WYZE camera. The Micro-USB end of the cord was fitted through the same hole in the wall that powered the old camera and on to the V2 camera. The other splitter output connected to the old camera. Most of the power split-offs occurred in the attic, or garage and were essentially out of sight. The one that was visible had its wiring tidied up. Later I may put a wood molding to hide it.
Having the V2s powered by the old camera wiring has the advantage that power cycling a V2 only requires switching off then on the old camera. The Buck type step-down transformers have dual USB A female connectors, another V2 chord could be connected and passed through a hole in the wall and left stubbed out for a future V2. The step-down transformers required power pigtails to their inputs.
Some of the old 12v power adaptors had to be replaced with 3v versions to service the additional camera/cameras.
See pictures below of my installations. Different configurations of power splitters and power pigtails may be required for your installations.
Victor Maletic