Hello. Is it possible for Wyze to send a notification when power is interrupted?
Wyze cannot. YoLink has a power monitor that, when paired with their hub, can alert you via their app, sms or email if the power goes off. Also sounds a siren locally.
Might be tough to do. If the power fails to a plug, it won’t have any power to send the alert. Also, if the house looses power, very likely the WiFi and Internet will also fail. It gets even worse, if your distribution circuit fails from your utility, there is a good chance that field equipment from your ISP will lose power and even if YOU have everything on backup power, your ISP may have a failure (mine did for several years - as soon as there was an area power outage, my cable Internet would instantly fail).
We do it at work all the time, but all the equipment at a radio site is powered by massive (as much as five tons) of battery with generator behind that, and we are sending the alert via redundant microwave paths that we control.
YoLink has servers monitoring the power sensor and the servers will send the alerts when the sensor disappears from connection.