[POLL] How about that Wyze app 3.0 (in Beta 2!) 💪

That’s disappointing to read, and it’s something I would want to see prioritized, as well. It’s one of the things I mentioned back in March. (I wonder if/when we’ll see responses in that topic bear fruit…. :thinking:)

I hope that’s actually true, because sorting in the current app is a :poop: show.

I realize I'm likely in a tiny minority here…

…but whoever is responsible for the Notification area for the Watch module in the current app should be embarrassed (and I don’t expect that his has gotten any better in the β, though, to be fair, I haven’t tried it). The main screen shows a few commonly-used apps (though why Spotify qualifies for that area is a mystery to me, since the Watch has zero music player controls), so that’s easy enough to navigate visually. Tapping Other Applications reveals…

The horror…the horror…. :scream:

There is no rhyme or reason at all to this list. None. It’s not alphabetical according to an app’s name (which would be logical and perfectly acceptable) nor ordered by the most recent or most frequent notifications (which would be cool if this was a user-selectable sorting option; I imagine the app would probably need permission to access that data from the OS, if it’s even possible, but showing a user which apps are generating the most notifications so that the user could easily select/deselect these would be a somewhat unique and super useful way to do it, I’d think) nor arranged in any other organized scheme that I’m able to discern. It’s just a [censored] mess.

Frustrating and insulting the user is not the way to do good UI/UX.

Give the Watch some more :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: love, Wyze!


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