I would like to see a motion detection indicator on the video playback bar so I can scroll to it quickly. Is this a possibility with the WYZE App? I don’t see anything but this would be a great feature. Id like to suggest it be added.
I have one V3. I just open the cloud events and tap the playback icon on the bottom right side, tkae me right to the event and before. Cam is on continuous recording.
That would be nice. I recently had to try to find someone on my property. I had an sd card in the cam. I was scrolling through the timeframe I knew the person came by. I saw the very short clip…but was on my way out for a family day trip. when I got back, i spent the next 3 days going over the same vid and could not find the short clip again. I gave up…
If the events was less than 14 days ago you should have the cloud event which you could play then tap playback. Or if it is still on the SD card you could load all the videos on a VLC Player and go through them faster if you know what day it was. Yes it would be nice to have events marked but if the cam is recording continuous I don’t know how that would work. It might work on event recording??
Give it a vote to help it along! The wishlist item is marked as “researching”.
I have more expensive axis cameras that record to a card and they have this feature which definitely help you save time, obviously for such an affordable camera like the wyze, it helps that you can look at events but if your not online you lose this feature. Sometimes my cameras aren’t online due to off grid situation at camp
I tried using VLC. I tried some other tools and suggestions. Nothing worked. It made no sense! I started reviewing the footage before I had to leave. I saw a part of the very short clip but went just a little back further and had to go out. Came back, forwarded just a little ahead from where I left footage I was reviewing and spent days trying to find the little clip again.