PIR Effective Area

For the PIR Effective Area, two-thirds of my camera view on my app is shaded in blue and the other third is normal. Which is the “PIR effective area” ? The blue area or normal area?

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Welcome to the community @NewGuyHere . I am a community member as well and try to help when I can.

I believe the Blue Shaded Area is the PIR location. However, I also see you have Detection Zone on, so the Camera will wake up when something is triggered in the PIR, but based on what you have selected as your zone, you may not receive any notifications.

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Ok, thanks for that. How did that zone get selected? I don’t remember where/how I set that.

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Not sure, if you updated the app lately, it may have set it inadvertently. But I am guessing here.

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It sets it up on its own. then you go into the detection area and select the squares you want it to detect. You move the camera and shade in with the darker blue the area that you are most concerned with monitoring.

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No I don’t believe that’s correct. The blue area must be physically moved. As in moving camera around. The detection zone and selections are to exclude or ignore things. Like a leaf or shadow that triggers motion detection.
I will say the WCO is crap compared to pan v1 & a huge turd compared to a v3 camera. The only good thing is the battery. There are too many differences in the v2 & v2 hardware. I would think the same PIR & Infrared Settings should be available. Perhaps it’s all a test or hardware is dramatically different. The starlight sensor is the best addition to the cameras period.