Personal Detection not working on my V2...?

Something weird recently started happening. No more Person Detection happens on my V2, very little is now happening on my WCO.

I signed up for Personal Detection under the name your own plan. I see it as active for unlimited cameras via the Wyze Services portal.

My V2 has not picked any Persons up for several days. My WCO still does on occasion, very randomly.

On the App I see I am still under Personal Detection (Pilot).

I am hesitant to make any changes before understanding what I should update and how. I want my PD to work on my V2, as it had been before. Would love the WCO to keep working and get back to the level of detection it had been at.

Samsung S20 Utra
Android 10: Wyze App Beta 2.14.36

WCO Base Station

Cam V2 Plugin Version
Sensor Plugin Version
Band Plugin Version 1.3.78
Scale 1.1.4 Plugin Version 1.9.7

First, the name your price Person Detection does NOT work on the Wyze Cam Outdoor.

Second, just try rebooting your V2s, unplugging and replugging. It worked for me.


I will try the soft reset as advised.

Whichever PD my WCO is still using has become less useful. So, I share what I experience

No improvement after the soft reset.

My WCO tagged a Person event. The person also walked in the area my V2 covers. No event captured. The V2 covers a more active area, yet as I first stated is no longer recognizing persons.

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