Pause in recording in events and playback

Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @cmatye! :raising_hand_man:

I just tested 5 of my Cam V3, all running, on both Event Video replay and microSD Playback. Android 11 App version

I cannot reproduce any pause in video on any cam from either source. However, many Event Video and microSD Playback issues are subject to WiFi and ISP variables.

One possible difference in my settings is that I have Enable Hardware Decoder toggled on in Account → App Settings.

Today all the cameras are working for me also. I did power cycle each camera and after that I see no pause in playback. Strange since firmware restarts cameras?


Chris Matye

Thanks SlabSlayer. Happy New Year.
I am still having this issue (haven’t taken the time to go back to a previous version). I am on iOS 16 v2.38.4 (3). I don’t see any setting for Hardware Decoder in my app. The only item I have under App Settings under Account is clear cache.
Maybe it’s an iOS issue?

Yes. Flashing does reboot the cam. But, when you power cycle the cam after seeing this behavior, it gets a fresh IP from the router. If the behavior comes back and a power cycle fixes it again, I would look at a possible bandwidth issue w\ the router… Either cam antaenna or router.

Unfortunately this is a feature only on Android that uses the phone’s video processor to play video.

The problem is back on all 4 cameras on latest version of firmware. Even with camera sitting next Google wifi puck still 4 sec in pause and miss crucial parts of video playback. This is on wyze side hope we see a fix soon.

Just took a look @ several of my V3 on w\ current 2.40 Android app. Can’t reproduce this w\ Event Video or Playback Video.

What changed recently for you that brought it back?

Did it coincide w\ an app update? Firmware update?

Nothing changed. It only stayed fixed for few days. So I started trouble shooting again. I even moved the v3 cameras right next to wifi still pause 4 sec into playback. Live feeds work fine so not wifi. Or live feed would/should pause also but it always works fine. One camera I turned off the people pet vehicle AI detection does not pause on playback. I do not feel this is on my end. Wyze needs to fix this. I bought arlo wifi cam which work fine same wifi and even further distance than wyze cam. No pause in playback. It is not my wifi so no more of that direction of blame. I will test more turning the AI detection off. If no pause on the other cam we then know where the problem is.

Live Stream is a P2P connection between the phone and the cam.

When you say playback, are you referring to Event Videos being played or the actual button labeled Playback that is playing SD Card recorded video?

My firmware on all 4 v3 cams is different than yours but mine says up to date when I check firmware. App version

I checked for app updates and firmware updates both say up to date.

Both live streaming and live playback from sd card no pause seen. Only see pause when playing back events

Sorry firmware on all four v3 cams is I had a typo on last post.

Also see this thread where others are reporting same pause 4 sec into event recordings. Guess this is a wide spread issue.

Mine are on the Beta FW.

Key information. That is the only service of the three that uses the server to stream the video down to the phone rather than a P2P connection.

Do you have the Hardware Decoder enabled?

Experienced by others, yes. Widespread, no. It is not affecting everyone. It very well could be an issue with a specific OS build or the age of the OS handling the stream and rendering it. My only speculation would be that there is a buffer conflict w\ the stream that causes the pause.

Hardware decoder is off.

Turn it on

Made no difference with hardware decoder on. Still 4 sec pause and loss of critical spots of recording.

I have one v3 on firmware Pulling the power cord for a few seconds temporarily fixes the freezing video. Then it gets progressively worse after a few days.

Just wanted to jump on the bandwagon here. I get the same stuttering and it’s sporadic. Not sure what causes it. I am on FW and iOS Beta 2.40.0.(6) and for the love of God I can’t figure it out.

Heh, yup. I get the pauses as well AND the @#$%@! cameras won’t upgrade to even though they keep asking me to for over a month now :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Don’t even get me started on the lousy ML motion detection. No matter how much feedback I supply it still can’t figure out what a shadow or moving tree is nor discern between a person and a vehicle :roll_eyes:

It’s 2025 and I am still experiencing this on my Wyze camera…help please Wyze technicians! Ty…