Pan Cam motion detection trigger switch in smarthings via ifttt

I’m having trouble integrating my new pan cam with smarthings via ifttt. I want to have the pan cam trigger a switch in smarthings when motion is detected.
I am receiving notifications (and recording) motion on the pan cam, the motion detection just isn’t triggering any switches in smarthings or even other wyze hardware using rules configured through the wyze am.
I’ve tried several trouble shooting tips without success.
I’m able to turn the pan cam on and off using a switch in smarthings via ifttt. I’m also able to turn a switch on/off in smarthings with my wyze smartplug using ifttt so I know that connectivity between the two apps likely isn’t the issue.
While trouble shooting the pan cam I tried to set a rule in the wyze app so that my wyze smart plug would turn off if the pan cam detects motion, but that rule doesn’t work even when I’m setting everything up exclusively in the wyze app.