Overheating Camera + Garage Controller

My garage camera is mounted with the magnetic stand to the metal support arm of the garage door opener. I was adjusting the location today and almost burned my fingers when I touched the metal screw on the underside of the v3 where the mount attaches!
I do not have a laser temp reader but know that the garage itself was in the upper 90s.
Is this a known issue?
It seems very unsafe to be that hot! :fire:

My cams get warm but even on mid 90 degree days not anywhere near that hot. The screw probably does act as a heat sink but I’d think if the cam was hot enough internally to make the screw that hot, it would probably be dead (or will be soon). Wonder if there is some sort of weird magnetic induction going on between the cam and your garage door opener or something?

Does the plastic body of the cam feel hot? Mine are noticeably warm but not anything that seems unreasonable.

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In South Florida, the summer is brutal and my garage wall faces west. I see temps in the upper 90s and occasionally low 100s. So far no issue. I haven’t touched the camera to check, but it is still working. Mine is an old V2.

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