Outdoor sensitivity

Those who have the cam mounted outdoors, what’s your sensitivity to only pick up people motion? Mine is pointed at my driveway which also includes the road and I’m constantly get notified of cars driving by. Also, anyone know if a 3D detection zone is in works? I have a buddy with a Ring and he’s able to set detection zone on a z-axis as well.



How do you expect a sensitivity change to allow detecting a slowly moving small person and NOT detect a fast moving large car?

Change the detection zone so that the street is not in the detection zone. If the street is in the background so a detection zone change can’t eliminate it, re-position the camera so it’s not. A non-rectangular detection zone would help and is an often requested feature change.

My outdoor view cameras have the sensitivity set for 20 on the V2 cameras and 70 on the Pan camera.


I must be misunderstanding how the sensitivity works. Guess I’ll have to deal until we get a 3d detection zone!

Outdoors, it will trigger on moving tree limbs in the wind, and even a rapid change in the shadows as clouds move overhead.


Yeah I’m not getting too many of those… I do however get the bugs at night triggers :frowning:

My V2 has only been up for one night and it triggered 15x plus last night from bugs at 50%. I guess from reading this I need to lower it way down. Any suggestions on how low to go? Appreciate feedback