Outdoor Plug Not Coming Online

Last Christmas I bought a Wyze Outdoor Plug and at the time I was able to add it to my Wyze app w/o any problem.
I remember it did a firmware upgrade and I also tested both ports manually.

I didn’t have a use for it at the time, so I put in on my shelf.
It’s been sitting on my shelf up until a couple of weeks ago when I decided to use it to control some lights on my back porch.

I connected it to the power source and the device “never” came online. The little blue light blinks for a few seconds then remains steady blue.
The Wyze app didn’t see it and the outdoor plug was showing offline on the app.

I thought maybe it’s lost its config and needs to be re-added.

So I deleted the device and tried to ADD it again.
See attached video, adding device goes smooth w/o any issues/errors … BUT the actual device (outdoor plug) is NOT showing on the device list.
I have tried adding it a few times with the same result, it will not show on the device list.

Any ideas ? (Did this outdoor plug just died w/o even been used ?)
Sorry about video quality, I had to lower the res, 'cause the max upload allowed was 5MB.

Funny also, that when trying to search some help on the Wyze app (support), I came across a nice little note (see attached image) where they say the Wyze outdoor plug is considered Final Sale (No eligible for replacement nor return).

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I’m having this exact same problem with my outdoor plug. I go through the step process again and again but it never appears in the app associated to my account. But it does successfully join my network - I can see it show up tin the Router admin. This is maddening

Same here. I have had “zero” help from wyze support , even submitted logs (Log ID 1613592), but haven’t heard nothing at all. I followed the “Factory Reset” procedure. by holding one of the buttons for about 5 seconds… still it will not show on under the Device list. I really don’t have high expectations for this issue to be resolved. Amazing how a product can just die without any use whatsoever.

I know what I’d try, and I’ll get to that. This confused me, though, because it seems to be self-contradictory:

I’m not sure how both statements can be true at the same time. Could you please clarify this? I’m trying to understand what your actual experience was, because I want to see if I can replicate it with a Plug Outdoor.

If the Plug Outdoor was visible on the Devices list in the app but showing as “Offline” (which mine are with a red “Offline” text, because they’re currently unplugged) but you actually have it plugged into power, then my first inclination is that it’s got a bad Wi-Fi signal or is otherwise not currently connected to your Wi-Fi source, so I’d try taking it into the same room as the router, plugging it into power, and seeing if it’s visible and online in the app.

I realize from watching your video that this may not be possible, so you might have to go through the setup procedure again. If you’re going to do that, then I’d consider refreshing your app’s data. This is how I do it on Android:

  1. Clear the in-app cache: :bust_in_silhouette: Account ➜ App Settings ➜ Cache File Size ➜ Clear.
  2. Navigate back one screen to Account and tap Log Out at the bottom.
  3. Swipe the Wyze app out of your running Android apps.
  4. Long-press on the Wyze app’s launcher icon (on your phone’s home screen or wherever you tap to initially open the app) and then tap App info in the pop-up menu.
  5. Tap Force stop on the App info screen (you may need to tap OK to confirm) and then tap Storage & cache.
  6. Tap Clear cache and Clear storage on the Storage screen.
  7. Back up one screen (back to App info) and then tap Open and proceed to log back into your Wyze account/app. (You could optionally reboot your phone and then launch the Wyze app here for good measure if you wanted to do that instead of relaunching it immediately from this screen.)

Logging back into your Wyze account should pull down a fresh copy of the app settings from Wyze’s servers, so I’d try that and then check the Devices tab to see if Plug Outdoor shows up before trying to add it (again) as a new device in the app.

That seems like it’s doing what it’s supposed to do in connecting to your Wi-Fi. If you log into the router, does it appear to be connected from that side?

Also, if you could share what version(s) of the app you’re using, that might be helpful. I’m an Android user and have only v2.50.9.512 and v3.1.5.569 available for testing, but if some of the stuff above doesn’t help (especially bringing the Plug Outdoor closer to your router if you have to go through setup again) and you could provide some detailed answers to my questions, then I could try going through the setup process with one of my Plug Outdoors to see if I can replicate the issue.

Hi Crease,
Thanks for your help. About the contradiction:

  • I added this outdoor plug to my wyze app about a year ago, and didn’t have any issue at that time. I stored it in my shelf all this time (unused) and about 3 weeks ago I grabbed and plug it back into the power. This is when the wyze app didn’t see it come online (it was showing offline) despite my router did see the plug. That’s when I deleted the device from the wyze app and tried to re-add it following the same procedure I followed a year back. As the video showed, the outdoor plug goes thru all the setup process w/o any hassle, no errors, BUT at the end, the outdoor plug doesn’t show up under the device list.

  • I deleted the wyze app cache, logout from the app and then rebooted my iPhone.

  • My wyze app is upto date (3.16.1)

  • Re-added the outdoor plug… same stat us as before… doesn;t show up undet the device list.

Okay, so the Wyze app did display the Plug Outdoor in the Devices list, but it wasn’t showing a connection to the Plug (i.e., showing a red “Offline” status) before you deleted it? That makes more sense if that’s what you intended to say. Thank you for that.

Did you happen to try this on an Android device, as well? I notice that your profile says “Wyze App: Both iOS & Android”. I don’t have any iOS devices to test, so I can’t isolate this to a problem with a particular mobile platform.

After your most recent message, I did pull a Plug Outdoor out of a drawer and plugged it into power, and the status light was blinking blue rapidly, then the blinking slowed, then it became a solid blue light, and I was able to see it in the v3x Wyze app. I deleted it from the app, cleared the in-app cache, closed the app, forced it to stop, and re-launched it. I was then able to add the Plug Outdoor to my Wyze account as if it was a new device. (I actually did this whole sequence twice and was able to successfully add the Plug Outdoor back into the Wyze app and see it in my Devices list [2 new devices at the top] both times.)

Note that I didn’t go through the entire procedure I outlined in my previous post, but I can try that, too, if you’d like. Mainly I was trying to figure out if this was going to be an app-version-related issue (like maybe it would fail in the v3x app but work in the v2.5x app), and I’m still not sure.

I also wondered if this was going to be one of those issues where you’d need to isolate everything (including the phone you’re using to add the device) to a single 2.4 GHz access point, because that’s something I had to do with a different Wyze Plug recently, but I can see from your video that adding the device doesn’t seem to be the problem at all. That video was really helpful, so thank you for including that.

I would’ve suggested submitting a log and then following that up with a Support ticket that includes the Log ID, but it seems you’ve already done that, too.

My next steps at this point would be to delete it again and try it with an Android device (after flushing the cache/data and grabbing a fresh profile copy with a new login, as described previously) and also asking other @Mavens for ideas, because I’m kinda stumped with this one, and I haven’t yet learned the procedure for trying to escalate an issue with the Log ID you supplied.

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I’ll see if we can get someone to look into this. I have my suspicions about what is going on and how they can fix it. My guess is it will take a new app update to resolve it, so keep an eye on the Beta releases to get a fix sooner.


Thank you for the assist! :bowing_man:


Hi @Crease,
I have an Android phone I no longer use (Samsung Galaxy A50), so I charged it up and loaded the Wyze from the Play Store. Logged into the Wyze app (all my current devices appeared on the device list, but the Outdoor plug).
I tried to add the outdoor plug and it failed same as with my iPhone. I recorded the attached video on my Android phone while trying to add the outdoor plug.
Also attached is an image showing the outdoor plug does get an IP address from my Orbi Router.


Thank you for testing this and uploading the video. I think that’s helpful, because it shows us what you’re seeing when you go through the add process.

I’m still not sure what’s at the root of this issue, but since both you and @BobInLutz have reported the same thing, we on the volunteer side are trying to get some developer eyes on this. Hopefully your log and videos will be helpful to them, as well.

One thing I noticed is that in the videos you’re connecting to “CARA”, but the Orbi screenshot shows “Francces”. I’m not familiar with the Orbi UI. Is “Francces” another SSID? As long as you get the Outdoor Plug online, I would expect the Wyze app to see it regardless of what network it’s connected to (assuming the Plug’s network and your phone’s network can talk to each other without any roadblocks), so I don’t know how relevant that detail is. I’m just trying to understand what you’re showing us.

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Hi @Crease , my ORbi has a main unit and 2 satellite units (mesh network).
Francces is the satellite unit on my kid’s bedroom. But the whole network has one single SSID (Cara).

I wondered if it was something like that, a unit name. Thanks for the clarification. :+1:

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