Outdoor Cam Starting Video Way After Motion Starts

My Outdoor Cam starts capturing video way after motion has actually started so I am missing full events. I’ve attached a few file of my issues.

Any help or advice is appreciated.

Wyze Cam Outdoor:
Wyze Cam Outdoor Base Station:
iPhone ios: 17.2.1
App Version: 3.2.2 (1)

First the camera has to wake up when motion is detected.
The WCO work best when motion is across the field off view (side to side or at an angle)
Movement straight at or away from the camera does not work well with the WCO PIR. Turn your camera a little to the left a few degrees like in the direction of the yellow line, the field off view is quite large.The light green section is the PIR Zone, so you need to move the cam angle a little if you want faster results.

Read this:

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Thank you so much for the help Antonius.

Can you look at the picture I have attached and let me know if I now have it in the direction you are suggesting?

I don’t think I have it placed correctly because I tested it out. I walked up the length of my driveway and the Camera didn’t pick me up until I was at the end of my car. This forum won’t let me upload a video or else I’d attach it.

Didn’t start RECORDING until you were at the end of your car. There is a second or so “wake up” once the camera detects you before it starts recording. This is why helping the camera to detect early, will help the camera wake up and start recording earlier. Making sure the subject enters the camera view from an angle and not straight on or straight away.

Test this. Stand under the camera out of view. Then reach into view and start clapping. Clap 10 times. Now wait till you get the event. How many claps do you see? 8? 7? 6? If you see only 7 claps. Then it takes the camera the time you took to clap 3 times to wake up and start recording.

Thank you Omgitstony.

Completing your test I was able to see 8 claps. I understand now that it takes the time for me to clap 2 times for the camera to wake up and start recording.

Apologies, but now that I have this information I am still confused on what I can do to help the camera wake up and start recording earlier than it is now.

My earlier images in this thread showed how much I changed the camera from my original angle to one that moved it according to what Antonius suggested. Now I have attached two current images (one of me clapping). Anything you see here that could be adjusted to make my camera wake up earlier and start recording?

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Here is the one of me clapping.

Passive infrared motion sensor plus battery powered cam, kinda two strikes against fast and accurate response time.

Do you have the option of using a wired cam? That way you can also eliminate the annoying base station, get color night vision, etc. Lots of new features and will detect motion almost instantly. OG and v4 are two great and inexpensive options right now (v4 should come down even more for Black Friday sales).

@JoeyG Is you camera mounted upside down? On all four off my WCO the top lines of the PIR area are on the top, yours are on the bottom?

@Antonius Yes, it is upside down. I put it that way on the magnet mount since I thought the top lines on the PIR area was where the detection stops. I am wrong I assume.

Guess I should put it right-side up and just uncheck the detection zone squares that cover the street at the end of my driveway? (I don’t want all the movement from cars passing by).

This is how it is now. Camera still upside down.

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Thanks for all the help. So, here is where I am now after putting my camera right-side up:

The image I attached shows the PIR, my detection block settings (I blocked the leaves since wind blows them), and two tests of me walking up my driveway toward camera—and one of me walking away from camera back down my driveway on the opposite side of the car.

The beginning of the arrow is where I started, and the point of the arrow represents the first frame of my event recording (where it started recording me). Obviously very late.

Any more help to tweak my settings/positioning/angles, etc. so I could get my camera to detect motion quicker and start recording quicker would be greatly appreciated.

Purchase a V3 or a V4, :rofl: (If you can find a way to supply power)
I don’t know if a Battery Cam Pro is any faster with it’s detection but it is a lot more :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: if you need a battery powered cam.
In the mean time tilt the camera up maybe 1/2 inch at a time until the PIR effective are ends before the street as shown below. You can figure out the detection zones with the poke and hope method.
All off my WCO are set at 100 far and 100 sensitivity. These are not instant action cams like the numerous plug in powered cams like the OG, V2,V3, V3 Pro and V4 that use Pixel change and can do continuous recording 24/7.
Good luck, hope you can get what you need.

Thank you @Antonius.

I’m going to buy the V4. Reason I went for battery version a few years ago was the distance to an outlet was extremely far. I’ll work it out for the v4 somehow.

I had the same issue so I just ran high quality electrical extension cord close to where I put the cam so I didn’t have to use really long USB cables. I do have one camera a V3 with a 20 Foot USB cable and it has been working just fine for the last two years.
Over 20 feet is pushing your luck I think.

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