Did the WYZE cloud fall out of the sky? I only had one cloud event on the events page this morning and that was a 4:36 AM. I checked all 11 cams and they are up and running. Playback from the SD cards shows numerous critters and one vehicle between 0:00 AM and 4:36 AM. V3, V3 Pro, V4 and WCO cams… I do not have any filters set.
Not that I have noticed.
I have received Hundreds of cloud notifications so far today.
I have all the cameras you mentioned above and a few more. I replaced my WCO with the Battery Cam pro.
On the SD Card, were those Flagged as Motion or Pets? Asking as I am curious if maybe your Event Recording settings changed from All Motion to AI only.
All of my cameras are set to AI, Person, Pet, Package, Vehicle and all events up to 23:56 on 14 April 2024 are tagged correctly. Nothing good happens after midnight.
There was a at the front door a 01:13 AM tagged as pet on the V3 Pro, no cloud event video.?
This is my only event for 15 April so far.
It’s a reminder that you haven’t ordered a V4
I have lots of events today as well.
I do too now, just nothing between midnight and 04:36 AM. The same possum in the 4:36 event walked past two other recording cameras 15 seconds before and no cloud recording? It’s WYZE who knows
I have events all night long.
A doctor can fix that.
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