My camera keeps turning itself on. It will show it is in privacy mode in the app but it is on and sending notifications.
Anyone else have access to it, have you shared it via a guest account etc?
Hi Dave27. My husband does but he is not turning it on. It always seems to happen when we are both home and in the middle of the night,
One thing that will turn a camera on automatically is if it gets a firmware update or restarts for any reason. Sometimes a restart is caused by something like an automation rule or sometimes when the camera isn’t getting sufficient power (like if a 3rd party usb cord is being used instead of the one that comes with the camera).
Do you have any schedules setup for the camera?
How possible is it that one of those things are happening?
Hi, none of the above. I have turned off all automations. I made sure the firmware is up to date and I’m using the original cord. I have also done a factory reset.
That’s good troubleshooting.
Have you tried contacting support? I wonder if they’re aware of similar cases or know what the cause is. From my perspective it seems obvious that when it is turned off or in privacy mode it should stay that way until you deliberately tell it otherwise. You did great by attempting a factory reset and the fact it is still doing it is
I do have a pan v3, but rarely use it and almost never use the privacy mode, so I haven’t noticed this myself, but I’ll keep an eye out for other reports of this. It just seems like an obvious issue.
Thank you! I just got off the phone with support and they do not have a solution. They said they will check to see if it is still under warranty…
And it is a pan v3. I have 5 and this is the only one inside.
I see the same thing on my V4 Cameras. I ended up clearing my Cache from within the app and the closing (Swiping up) the app then going to app info, Clear Cache there and do a Force stop.
once I did this, they seem to be working fine. I believe the cache may have gotten corrupted.
Please note: On Android, make sure you clear both Cache locations.