Old files appearing on sd cards after formatting

OK so I’ll do my best to describe the issue. V3 camera recording to SD card - no live Wi-Fi connection.

  1. I format a 128 GB sd card in PC, quick format that shows being successful, 119 GB
  2. I deploy the camera.
  3. When I take the SD card and insert into a PC, old, previously deleted (pre-formatting) now APPEAR on the SD card along with new files.
    Occasionally there are so many old files, the card fills to capacity. Has happened more than once and with multiple cameras.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Jim

OK A little update Bare with me.
So one of what I thought was an old file, marled 20231023 meaning the video was from 10 23 2023 actually has the correct VIDEO FOOTAGE, but the wrong date was applied by the camera. In short, I did not have this camera on this location in 10/2023 So it captured the video, and somehow marked it with the incorrect date.
I always hit the sync time button before I leave.

Welcome to the forum @nanosj

Have you tried formatting unchecking the Quick Format Option or using 3rd party utility. There are ton. DBAN was always my go to.

Thanks! I just uncovered some additional information

So one of what I thought was an old file, marked 20231023 meaning the video was from 10 23 2023 actually has the correct VIDEO FOOTAGE, but the wrong date was applied by the camera. In short, I did not have this camera on this location in 10/2023 So it captured the video, and somehow marked it with the incorrect date.
I always hit the sync time button before I leave.

I use this free format program, full format, not quick format if I want to erase and fix any error on the cards. I have 32GB, 64GB, 128GB and 256GB cards all formatted by the same program, both Mac and Windows.

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Hmmm. Did you originally format the SD card prior to using it in the camera?

Assuming the times stamps on the video are correct but the file name was wrong?

Hi Thanks for the reply. No thats the off part. The time stamp/date are incorrect also and MATCH the incorrect file name. I absolutely did not even OWN this camera on the stamped date and time! Its the correct image/video, just NOT the correct date and time stamped thus also causing the incorrect file name I presume.

That is odd. Are the timestamps off in the live view?

No, they are correct. I always check and hit the sync time button.

Are any files of the files on the SD card important? Because the files are cross-linked, every file is suspect; might be truncated, merged or whatever.

If none of the files are important, just do a format, either quick or non-quick. The non-quick format also has the added benefit of finding possibly bad sectors that may have contributed to cross-linking.

This happens AFTER I do the format. I’ve tried this many times.

You said in your first post that the camera does not have a live WiFi connection. The cameras do not have a real time clock. So, if the camera is powered off, it does not know what the date is until it can connect to a time server. Hence the reason that it was writing with the old date.

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How do you expect it to synch time without a wifi connection?

These are cloud cameras, they won’t function properly without internet.

When I set the camera up and activate, I am connected to wifi. Then disconnect and record to the SD card As a stand alone camera? No?

Yes, but…

And I didn’t catch it, good catch @K6CCC

You also stated you Sync daily. If not connected the Sync is probably doing nothing, or maybe causing the issue?

Some things will work (with sporadic oddities and time limits). It seems to vary between models, some will need to reconnect to the internet and reauthenticate every few hours, others can go longer. Some record no matter what, others seem to stop when their authentication is lost (or not even start until they can connect and authenticate).

However when you tap the “synch time” button all you’re doing is telling the camera to query an internet time server, which it can’t do, so that won’t work. You need to do that while connected to the internet. If you then power cycle the camera and turn it back on with no internet, I’m not sure what time it picks up, I’m guessing the time of the last file recorded on the SD card, or if no SD card it probably goes to some really old default date and time.

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