OG Cameras Not Working

I’m about to throw out the 2 og wyze cameras I have added. One is on my bedroom window and one is on my porch railing. I have it set to ongoing recording and there are no videos. They also randomly turn off. I count on the 2 outside cameras because my neighbors are idiots and injure my service dogs. I don’t know what else to do to make this work.

Is there a Micro SD card in the camera? What kind?

Yes there is. There are different brands in each one.

I do not have an OG cam but all the other WYZE cams have an icon like this to playback the SD, or a bar at the bottom of the live view screen that shows playback. What happens if you tap the icon/bar, nothing?

Does the OG have a setting like this for continuous?

Yes and its on but no videos have been recorded.

What does manage SD card show, anything? This shows 139 GB recorded.

Your camera has no connection, so the videos are being recorded to a hidden folder on the SD card (it gets the wrong date in the name since the camera can’t get the correct date from the internet). You need to fix your connection issues before you’ll get SD card recording. Did they ever connect to your wifi and work?

Yes they used to be able to connect and then today they don’t. I have a Wi-Fi extender coming even though my ex says it’s the wrong thing to get.

And your ex is probably correct. I have an extender but I don’t use it for my WYZE cameras. It has a different network name (SSID) and the directions say if you use the same name as original network it might have issues . Mine show an SSID with a _EXT at the end of the original network name. You would have to set the cameras up on that network I think but I am not 100% sure.

@Antonius - You are correct. Originally I had all my Wyze cameras and doorbells connected thru an extender, different ssid w/o the ext and it’s own password and all worked fine. When I switched to a mesh system that allows for a dedicated 2.4ghz network, I used the same ssid and password and the transfer was seamless. Extenders are tricky and not certain what @tetrisplanner has for network equipment but definitely would not use an extender with a mesh, even if just 1 node. What about the detection settings for recording events? What are those settings? But I agree first the cameras have to get connected and back online.

Yeah, they’re not great, but it may be better than nothing. The ones that allow you to set 5ghz as the connection to your router and 2.4 as the connection for your cams work better, but still not ideal.

Moving your main router and/or getting it up higher may help.

I have only found my AT&T extenders to be reliable. They work fine for me, but I did move all cams to my mesh IOT network.

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